13th November PBE Update: Cosmic Name Changes, TFT Update, Preseason 2021 Update

PBE’s content can be changed when they hit the live server, also, they are not the complete full Patch Note, there are might be more or less changes added to the testing server.

Preseason 2021 Update


[Nerf] Eclipse:

[Nerf] Liandris Torment Nerf:

[Nerf] Lichbane:

[Nerf] Guinsoo’s Rageblade:

[Buff] Jungle Starters AP

[Bug-Fix] Moonstone Renewer


[Nerf] Vladimir:

[Buff] Kassadin:

TFT Update


[Nerf] Talon:

[Buff] Cassiopeia:

[Buff] Yone:

Cosmic Name Changes

Cosmic Devourer Vladimir

Cosmic Flight Anivia

Cosmic Invoker Illaoi

Cosmic Sting Skarner

Cosmic Hunter Varus

Cosmic Huntress Nidalee

Cosmic Charger Hecarim