28 Basic Counter Rules That Not Everyone Follow in League [Part 2]

To continue the list, here are 14 rules that not everyone acknowledges in League. Read Part 1 Here.

Again, every champion designed differently in a unique way. They all have strengths and weaknesses that not every player knows about. There is always a way to counter every single one of them.

15. When you play against Malzahar, Buy Quicksilver Sash (QSS)

This is a fact. Besides, if he has his Space AIDS (E) on you, do not stay close to him. Also, do not let him (Q) Silences you. It will refresh his (E) duration.

16. When the Enemy Jungler Picks Lee Sin, Pick Warwick to Counter Him

After the enemy Lee Sin got a successful level 2 cheese gank, use your Warwick’s (W)-Blood Hunt to track him down and bite his butt off.

17. When Your Laners Start Crying at You for Not Babysitting Them Exclusively, Mute Them All

Really, if anyone in your team started to trash-talking, spamming, cursing, or crying, just mute them all. After that, you should focus on your lane, your farm, and play for K/DA.

18. When the Enemy Jungler Picks Sylas, You Pick Udyr

Literally, Udyr will “bearslap the edgelord communist magic revolution out of Sylas”.

19. When the Enemy Jungler Shows on the Other Side of the Map, Gank the Lane/Take the Objective/Steal his Side Camps

There is nothing you can do about 3 man gank botlane when you are in the top side of the map. Look around, see what objectives can you take, what lane can you possible gank. If your Bot Lane start blaming you then, go back to Number 17.

20. When You Play a Late-Game Jungler, be Willing to Concede Early Game Scuttle Crabs

Late-game jungle = less level advantage early game. You have to pay attention at the map and have a fully sight of where the enemy jungle would go. Therefore, you will not get ganked in your own jungle.

21. When Playing Against Veigar, Get a Banshee’s Veil or Edge of Night

Veigar’s (E)-Event Horizon is like 90% of his combo. If you got stunned by his (E), you are pretty much dead.

22. When Playing Against Blitzcrank, Thresh, Nautilus, or Pyke, Hide Behind the Minion Wave

When you play against these hookers, it’s ideal to stay behind the minion wave or trick them to hook the minion instead. However, do not use the same approach against Neeko since her root can passes through units.

23. When Playing Against Master Yi, Save Your CC for Right After He Ends His Alpha Strike.

After you CC’d Master Yi, you can now throw your combo and choke him to 0 HP. However, if your teammate has CC’d him first, wait for the approximate duration of their stun before you cast your CC. In that way, Master Yi will never be able to move. This method can also be used with Katarina.

24. When Mordekaiser Uses His Ultimate on Your Teammate, Chase after the Spirit Balls and be Ready to CC him

This is the best way to help your teammate (if they are still alive) to fight or to run away from Mordekaiser after the duration of his ultimate. This is not a “rule”, but this action will show that you are a considerate team-player.

25. For Some AD Champions, If Your Team is Losing, Buy A Sanguine Blade and Start Split-Pushing

Stronger than DeathDance at some point, this item will boost your life-steal and attack speed when attacking enemy champions.

26. When Pyke Gets Fed, You Play Safe and Stall

Literally, I have seen so many games that the bot lane lost to Pyke and still constantly went in and trade with a fed Pyke. As a result, enemy Pykes tend to carry the whole team.

Having a fed enemy Pyke is somewhat similar to having a fed Zed in the enemy team. They are both early to mid-game assassins, the only different is that Pyke has CCs.

27. When Fiddlesticks Hits Level 6, Stop Taking 1 v 1s

The new Fiddlesticks is actually much scarier than the old one. He has incredible horrifying skillset and damage. If you want to do a 1 v 1 or 2 v 2 in your lane, make sure that you know where the enemy Fiddlesticks goes. Otherwise, he can jumps out out-of-nowhere anytime.

28. When Zilean Uses His Ultimate on Someone, Do Not Kill Them

Like any rule, there are exceptions of course. It’s best to keep them low and wait until Zilean’s Ult duration goes off, then you kill the enemy.

That’s all for all the 28 Basic League of Legends Counter Rules. How many of these rules you have already acknowledged? Let us know in the comments!

Credit: Reddit

Read More: 28 Basic Counter Rules That Not Everyone Follow in League [Part 1]