5 Champion been buffed to be noted


A jungle champion with good jungle clearing and maneuverability in battle, has been strengthened for the eleventh time . By increasing the amount of damage to minions and monsters, Kayn can now even play in other positions, w increasing the ability to slow also makes him stronger in ganks.

Although it is very favored, but kayn is still not a hot pick, maybe after this strength lift he will appear in the  arena of justice more

Reaping Slash (Q):

Cooldown decreased to 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 from 7/6.5/6/5.5/5

New! “Deals 40 bonus physical damage to minions and monsters”

Blade’s Reach (W):

Slow effect changed to 90% decaying from 70%


Lissandra, a good general in the current meta, with the ability to maneuver damage and stun enemies, she has shown flexibility in her teamfight. However, to increase the ability to snowball early in the game, There is an increase in the strength of Q so she can compete with the current hot mid picks

Ice Shard (Q):

Cooldown decreased to 8/7/6/5/4 from 10/8.5/7/5.5/4


Although quinn is a fairly balanced champion when there has been no recent increase or decrease, however, her disappearance in the arena of justice has been noticed by riot. In this new update, they gave her a negligible power, namely a slight change in her Q . With this change, Quinn has more advantages in solo q, as well as more effective when facing the current top hot options like sett, wukong

Blinding Assault (Q):

Valor’s vision reduction effect increased to 1.75 seconds from 1.5 seconds


Perhaps before the big change in Gnar as we guessed, the riot has slightly increased the power for Gnar in huge form to compensate for weaknesses and increase the damage done to the enemy.

Boulder Toss (Mega Q):

Amount of cooldown refunded by ability increased to 70% from 60%

Crunch (Mega E):

Damage increased to 80/115/150/185/220 from 50/85/120/155/190

By increasing the cooldown of q in giant form when picking stones from 60% to 70%, meaning the ability to deal continuous damage to enemies is significantly increased. Skill damage e increased by 30 per level also contributes to increasing the amount of damage towards the end of the match. Most of this skill is used to select the angle for R skill but maybe with this change can cause unexpected factors.


Because of complaints about the amount of damage significantly reduced after reworking, riot has increased the amount of damage in the later period. Although the ability to clear jungle monsters is quite impressive in the early game, but probably in the ganking process is still not enough damage.

Reap (E):

Damage increased to 70/105/140/175/210 from 70/100/130/160/190