Almost everyone who plays League of Legends had at least one time being in this situation. Your turrets are at stake, your team doesn’t have much gold, kills, targets and it all seems hopeless. However, you should not give up anyway. This can be difficult for some people, but when you put everything aside and work together with your teammates, it is possible to return to the game no matter what stage it is.
Today, I’m going to give you a few tips for saving the game while being led ahead. No more lengthy words, let’s get started with Notagamer!
Don’t be dismayed – Motivate your team
This is probably the hardest thing to do when you’re in a losing situation. The usual mentality we get would be furious and it can make us want to throw the mouse away, smash the keyboard and blame someone for being led ahead.
By doing so, you only worsen your own gaming experience. Don’t get tilted when you find your teammates are not playing well. That not only affects you, but also create an atmosphere full of hatred and hostility. Everyone has some bad games, so there is no need to be harsh on anyone for that.
Instead of being toxic, you should help them, whether it is showing them how to approach the lane by communicating or changing the playstyle, or even better like ganking them with teleport. Find a way to help them overcome their lanes’ disadvantages because it is pretty necessary for your team if you want your team to get back to the game.
The same goes for any other teammates, you should encourage them not to give up, because all that is needed is just a decision, a teamfight, a perfect engagement for objectives to turn the table around.
Make the right decision at the right time
One of the most important things about having a big comeback is choosing your prioritized goals. The first thing to do is to choose a specific enemy when engaging in combats. When your team has a clear idea of what target to aim for to win teamfights, you will have a great chance of kicking that target out of the fight and taking the win easily.
If you choose the wrong person, your team could lose the entire combat and get snowballed forever. So, make sure to choose your goals carefully and make sure you stick to your goals. Several times like that will allow your team to slowly get back into the game, and much more.
Also, be aware of when is a good or bad time to get into a fight. Another thing that you should understand is the limit of what you are going to do. For example, you may not go into a place with no vision without a teammate nearby or with no knowledge about your enemies’ positions. Your team has to stick together, because it certainly increases the chance of winning in a fight when you are grouped instead of splitting.
However, if an unexpected opportunity appears and you find the perfect moment to attack, such as a 5v3 in mid lane situation or a really good position to take down the opponent’s ADC then it is worth for a try. If you succeed, it will give your team more options to turn around the situation.
Make use of every available resources
Whenever you know where the enemy is, you should take advantage of it and immediately take objectives like Dragons, Rift Herald, Baron, etc. Doing so will help your team a lot, both in terms of gold and the experience needed to rise against the opponents. Those objectives will help a lot more than just dealing more damage to turrets. However, if there is no worth-taking objective on the map that can be taken, you know what to do. By controlling objectives, you will have at least one lane to focus on and pressure the enemies if your team wants to force a fight and make the situation more advantageous.
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