7 tips that might definitely help you turn the situation around in a game (Part 2)

7 tips that might definitely help you turn the situation around in a game (Part 2)

Almost everyone who plays League of Legends had at least one time being in this situation. Your turrets are at stake, your team doesn’t have much gold, kills, targets and it all seems hopeless.

However, you should not give up anyway. This can be difficult for some people, but when you put everything aside and work together with your teammates, it is possible to return to the game no matter what stage it is.

Today, I’m going to give you a few tips for saving the game while being led ahead. No more lengthy words, let’s get started with Notagamer!


Share some gold for your carry

Share your gold for your carry is a good option to turn the situation around

If there is someone in your team who can carry at the end of the game, such as Azir, Vayne, Kassadin, … or someone with a high KDA, a lot of minions, gold, or whatever good advantage in their hands, then funnel them is a really good idea.

Champions who are capable of being more powerful in the late game and champions that can positively impact the game will help your team a lot in getting out of the deadlock because any inhibitor destroyed can turn into a gold mine so they can farm and carry the team. If your team loses a inhibitor, take advantage of it to funnel your carry so that he can buy necessary items to the fights.

You should also wait for them to arrive before you start fighting. It gives them the opportunity to get more kills, assists, gold and experience.

Use split-pushing tactic in a bad situation

Split push tactic could save your games

If your team has one or more champions that can escape from danger easily and deal a lot of damage to turrets, such as Jax, tell him to split push if possible. This is one of the famous tactics in League of Legends. It can possibly be the downfall for the enemy team and the savior for their opponents. With this tactic, it puts a team in an uncomfortable situation and is forced to send someone down to stop it.

This can give your team many advantages to do other things such as forcing fights, taking targets, getting more vision, etc. However, there are some disadvantages when you use this tactic. If a fight breaks out, the enemy team will have more advantage because you are not grouping with your teammates.

So only use this tactic as the last solution in the late game. Most of the time your team should still be together, but if you can get an effective split push, don’t hesitate to give it a try because your team might get a wide path leading to victory.

Buy appropriate items to counter the enemies

Counter the enemies with their weakness is good for your situation

This is a must-do for everyone in a team. Buying items to reduce the damage taken from the strongest enemies will help you do a lot in combats. If you are a mage and have to deal with a physical damage based champions, just buy Zhonya’s Hourglass. It does not provide too much armor, but its ability to help you enter the “yellow state” will upset your enemies in teamfights and it can help you avoid taking a large amount of damage.

If you’re a physical damage based champion and have to deal with a mage, you have even more options. Stopwatch is a really good item that can you can easily purchase yourself. Unlike the Zhonya’s Hourglass, it can only be used once, so use it wisely and your situation might be turned around.

You can also build items like the Maw of Malmortius for a massive amount of magic shields to counter champions like Orianna and Syndra. You can also buy Wit’s End if you are an ADC, or champions that have high DPS. Optionally, Mercury Treads is not a bad idea since it can help you reduce the effects of hard crowd control attacks. Therefore, by using certain items to fight certain champions, you will have more chances to win them and turn the situation around.

Control your vision as much as possible

Vision is the situation

Vision is very important in League of Legends. If you go into a dark area without information about your opponent’s position, you could have made a fatal mistake. That’s why it is important to place as many wards as possible. Knowing where the opponent is is very important in this game, especially if you are trying to turn the situation around. Therefore, you should purchase more Control Wards and get yourself a Oracle Lens to detect and eliminate your opponents’ wards as they are more likely to break into your base once they know you have left the base. After eliminating the wards around your base, do the same for the jungle and the same for Dragons and Baron.

Getting information about the opponent engaging in a certain objective can also be a turning point for your situation. For example, the enemy team is on the Dragon, your team can go straight to the Baron’s pit and put pressure on the enemies. Vision is the key for a comeback, so if you grasp it and combine it with the tips i have mentioned above, your team will probably have an unforgettable comeback. Good luck and see you in the following articles!