8 iconic champion reveals in League of Legends (part II)

In the previous part of this articles, Sett, Kalista, Jinx and Azir made it on the list as some of the champions with the most remarkable entrance to the one decade-old game. Continuing the list, we have some of the more recent champions with much elaborated effort put into their reveals.

Senna, the Redeemer

Starting off as a minor background character with the only function as a major plot device triggering between the feud between Lucian and Thresh, Senna was finally released on November 10th, 2019 as a part of the 10th anniversary of League of Legends. With a well animated short cinematic showing the emancipation of her from Thresh’s ghastly lantern by her heartlight, Senna quickly became one of the most anticipated champion release of all time. Besides, Riot also included Senna on the game’s new virtual band to compete with Pentakill and K/DA – along with a Prestige Edition of the skin available for purchase with Prestige Points in early 2020.

Senna’s action-packed debut

Sylas, the Unshackled

The first champion released in 2019, Sylas barged his way into League of Legends as a revolutionary leader who escaped his imprisonment in the mage-hating nation of Demacia. He had been actually teased in mid-2018 with an image of an unknown person bound in a dark dungeon. In early 2019, a series of images featuring various Demacians restrained with giant golden chains with their ultimate used against them were posted on League of Legends social media platforms.

The introduction of Sylas also marked an overhaul of Demacian lores – most characters had their lores rewritten, especially Lux, who inadvertedly helped him escaping the prison. With a set of overloaded abilities and an ultimate that allowed him to steal others’ ultimate, Sylas’ notoriety earned him numerous nerfs, but that did not seem to significantly impact his popularity. He served as the main antagonist in Lux comic – a collaboration between Riot and Marvel.

Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper

Promoted as the first assassin purely made for the support role – which took several patches nerfing his solo lane potential to keep him staying in bot lane – Pyke was warmly welcomed by support players enjoying aggressive playstyle and “securing” kills. The gold sharing mechanics aside, his creepy teaser featuring some of his kills and the classic horror movie jumpscares really did shut down all the complaints from players who booed Riot Games for the supposed Disneyfication of the game by creating Zoe.

Jhin, the Virtuoso

Arguably the best designed champion in both gameplay and visual appearance, Jhin has one of the most, if not the most noteworthy champion reveal in the entire history of League of Legends. Starting off with grisly images of several champions (Sona, Zed, Garen and Vi) apparently getting killed in gruesome but artistic fashion, Riot replaces the profile pictures of said champions on the official League of Legends site with their morbid looking versions.

Jhin’s haunting teaser

Probably one of the most graphic cinematics Riot has ever released, Mind of the Virtuoso made people if the upcoming champion was able to turn its victim’s flesh into flowery pattern, into glittering stream of lights or even sprouting trees from their lifeless husks. It was made clear after his release that those visions were merely seen through his psychotic lenses, fitting the theme of a serial killer who considers his homicidal works as “art”.

Who has the best champion reveal? Comment below and let us know your preference.