8 new Space Groove skins have been leaked: Champions, Abilities, Animation, and more

League’s upcoming Space Groove skins have been leaked with a total of 7 champions receiving the skin line

Image via Riot Games

Riot Games has released the last event of 2022 or season 12, Space Groove 2022, as preseason 2023 approaches.

Space Groove is a new skin line in League of Legends that was released in 2021. It is set in a different universe where champions act like they’re in a cartoon or joy land. It is one of League of Legends’ more playful skin lines/universes.

Recently, a future set of Space Groove skins was revealed online earlier today, including new skins for Gragas, Lissandra, Nami, Ornn, Taric, Teemo, and Twisted Fate, with Nami receiving the Prestige Edition. The skins were initially seen on the Skin Spotlights YouTube channel, which has a history of pre-releasing League skins.

Dazzling lights and neon hues abound in every skin in the collection, as do vivid pinks, rich purples, and dark, resonant tones of blue are the main color scheme of this new set of skin line.

Each skin in this new set has a distinct recall that depicts the champion performing a dance party, and each ability in the skin line has its own animation. Certain abilities, such as Taric’s (R) and Twisted Fate’s (W), have new and distinct disco soundtracks, with the timing of the abilities synced to music.

Lulu received a prestige edition of her Space Groove skin last year. According to the report, the title will be given to another support this time, Nami.

Image via Riot Games

For now, Riot Games has yet to announce these new skins formally, therefore no release date is presently known.