A 16-year-old player reached Master on 160-200 ping with Xin Zhao

Surprisingly, the secret of this relatively young player is mid-lane Xin Zhao!

Recently, a 16-year-old player whose Reddit account named “u/XinMain” has reached the rank every player longed for – Master – in East Europe server with mid-lane Xin Zhao. However, the special point of this guy lies in his ping. He is living in India, but he is playing in East Europe server, so his ping always fluctuates between 160-200ms.

When asked about why has he been playing on the East Europe server instead of his home country, he explained that the number of LoL players in India is sharply decreasing. As a result, he had to create his account on the East Europe server as this one has the most optical ping (160-200 is the lowest one he can have). “Honestly, LoL in India seems to be a dead game. However, LoL: Wild Rift is completely the contrast.” – said him.

In India, LoL: Wild Rift > LoL

About the progress of ranking, this Xin Zhao main shared that his way to winning every game was dominating the whole laning phase or making pressure on the enemy jungler. “Mid-lane Xin Zhao’s power at the early game is usually underrated by most players, so I am regularly able to slay them at level 2. If not, I would help my jungler to have the two all Rift Scuttlers“.

Let’s take a look at his playstyle. His build and rune always specialize in 1v1 in the early game. The ultimate rune he always uses is Hail of Blades, which enables him to activate the damage from his passive as well as his Q. The next one will be Sudden Impact, which strengthens him every time he uses his E.

The achievement of this player has proved the point that playing champions staying in the meta is not that essential. The bottom line for a victory is that you have to bring your team as many advantages as you can. Thanks to that, you would force the enemy team to play on your board, lose all the objects and the whole match.