A serious bug related to Aurelion Sol occurs in League Patch 11.17

The bug is from an interaction between Aurelion Sol and Tahm Kench in League of Legends.

According to Vandiril channel, Aurelion Sol in League Patch  11.17 when swallowed by Tahm Kench’s R – Devour will permanently lose his passive in Center of the Universe until he respawns at his base after being killed.

Credit: Vandiril

In the test video, after being swallowed by Tahm Kench, Aurelion Sol, even when using Celestial Expansion, the champion’s stars still do not appear. This means that the champion can no longer deal damage with at least 2 of 5 skills (including passive) after that.

This can severely affect the psychology of Aurelion Sol players. This champion is going through a long “missing” period from the Summoner’s Rift, when the pick rate in Ranked matches is less than 0.7% (at the Platinum level and above).

Image via Riot Games

It’s not just Aurelion Sol that found bugs in the recent update. 4 other champions including Kayle, Twitch, Shyvana, and Senna are also giving Riot devs a headache when they encounter a bug with Press the Attack rune.

According to Riot engineer Mortdog, they will release an update patch next week to fix the existing issues in this patch 11.17.