A Sion bug transforms the champion into a monstrous tower.

With this bug, The Worldbreaker has never appeared to be more threatening than ever.

Image via Riot Games

A League of Legends player discovered an unusual bug affecting Sion, which causes the Worldbreaker himself to shift into a massive tower.

The player can be seen in the highlight clip using one of the Worldbreaker Sion skin’s animations, which sees a huge tower rise from the earth before being smashed by Sion. Instead of vanishing when the animation was finished, Sion transformed into the tower.

Sion, being a gigantic tower, couldn’t help but dive his foes, much to the player’s disadvantage. Sion, despite his intimidating appearance, was insufficient to defeat the attackers on his own.

Image via Riot Games

This bug was caused by unintentionally connecting with Kalista while in Sion’s death passive state, according to a user who claims to be the player in the video.

“I died at their tower and our Kalista either on accident or purpose put the spear there which I probably accidentally clicked trying to kill someone in passive,” the Reddit commentator Prism0o0 shared. “After that, I couldn’t use emotes, my hammer was stuck horizontally in my throat and base animation transformed me into a walking empire state building. This went on for some minutes after this vid stops, nothing special stopped it, just went away.”

While that’s a funny bug, Riot is sure to fix it quickly so players don’t have to face the terrifying Sion tower anytime soon in their League of Legends matches.