A Syndra bug that can “captured” the Scuttle Crab

A surprising Syndra’s W bug that can trap the Scuttle Crab in the tower forever.

Recently, a League of Legends player has discovered a new bug that allows Syndra to trap the Scuttle Crab using her W – Force of Will. The video about this interesting glitch posted on r/LeagueOfLegends of Reddit has received more than 2.2k upvotes and nearly a hundred comments from users.

To exploit this bug, the player must use Syndra’s Force of Will (W), which allows the player to capture monsters or minions and toss them to a certain location. All the player has to do is combine W with some cleverness to get the Scuttle Crab in the right position. After grabbing the crab with W, immediately use Flash over the wall and put the Scuttle Crab in the right space between the mid-lane tower and the wall.

Image via Riot Games

Players can be seen in the video using the Teleport to Cursor in Practice function for “testing.” In actual matches, however, you must utilize Flash to execute this bug. Here are some comments from players about the mentioned issue:

Poor scuttle crab…

It is currently unknown whether Riot Games has received any feedback on this problem. So we’ll have to wait and see if Riot Games will fix this issue soon or not. For the time being, you should keep an eye on whether your opponent exploits this bug to equalize the advantage from team fights in the Baron Cave zone.