A Yuumi player set the record on full jungle camps clear

It’s official: Jungle Yuumi in League of Legends isn’t trolling anymore.

Yuumi – The magical cat finds its way to the jungle already?

Image via Riot Games

When it comes to experimenting in the League of Legends meta, some players are so focused on whether they can or not that they never stop trying new things. In this case, a YouTuber named Phylaris discovered the fastest and most ideal way for Yuumi to completely clear the jungle using no healing potions and only Teleport and Smite as summoner spells.

Yuumi begins the clear by purchasing Emberknife and beginning at red buff and starting with her E ability, Zoomies. This ability heals the Curious Cat while also increasing her attack and movement speed for three seconds, allowing her to kite the buff and take it down. Some players may be tempted to level up her Prowling Projectile first, but the cooldown on the ability at level one is simply too long.

Credit: Phylaris

The Yuumi player can take down red buff in just over 30 seconds with perfect kiting and Smite. She then raises the level of her Q ability before proceeding to blue buff and gromp in that sequence. Kiting is essential during the first three camps of the clear because after these three camps, the player returns to base while setting a ward near the wolves. She also improves her E ability yet again.

Yuumi uses Teleport to get directly to the wolves’ camp after purchasing Kircheis Shard. She moves over to the Raptors after taking care of the wolves, which is one of the more difficult camps to clear because there are so many opponents to deal with. Fortunately, her Zoomies ability has a 10-second cooldown, keeping her healthy enough to ultimately confront the golems.

The complete clear takes around three minutes and 22 seconds, which is remarkably fast for a champion who doesn’t have any jungling tools in her arsenal. Hopefully, this does not inspire some mad scientists to start dragging Yuumi into the jungle in solo queue, but it is an amazing achievement that should encourage competitiveness in the burgeoning jungle speedrunning mini-game.