Gnar is the next champion to be reworked?

To improve the graphics as well as balance the strength of the generals, riot has started to rework a lot of champion as well as balance the strength, this has been considered by riot based on many opinions. . From there, add many factors to increase the flexibility as well as bring new play of that champion

In addition to the champion that were remade according to the vote of the player, some champion is also needed to remake to balance the game.

Another information is release by Rea3 – one of the champion manufacturer-  on the Reddit forum that not every champion will be reworked, instead of speeding up to complete the list of VGU, they decided to go step by step and predict that not ever reach the end of the list. However they believe that champions will find there way on to the list . And so, we will always be able to expect the remake of champions who are disappearing in the arena of justice.

Not only Fiddlesticks and Volibear, Gnar, a champion with a low pick rate recently estimated at 3%, is losing his balance in the Legend of league is predict will be the next VGUs champion

As good news for Gnar main players, that he may remade to become a Jungler.

With the amount of damage done as a percentage of health and the bonus movement speed thanks to the activation of w, gnar can be perfectly suited for the jungle position, but with long cooldown and lack of maneuverability in the jungle. Huge form, Gnar revealed too many weaknesses

This morning, a code was posted and said that Gnar will have a new costume, the astronaut Gnar, along with the astronaut poppy . More specifically, the Gnar logo was released in a recent update.

This proves that Gnar is likely to get a major change to bring him back to the arena of justice. If you are interested, leave a comment so we can update you more upcoming changes