League of Legends: New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had reached Silver III

New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has made it to Silver III in League of Legends‘ ranked mode.

Climbing in League‘s ranked ladder is widely known as a time consuming and difficult task for many players. So it’s quite a wonder that AOC has managed even a mid-tier rank while balancing a full-time Congressional position—in an election year, no less.

She also shared the achievement on Instagram

“My small quarantine accomplishment: made it to Silver III.” Ocasio-Cortez said. Also clarifying for any followers who might not be familiar with Riot Games’ flagship MOBA that she’s referring to League of Legends. In addition, she’s even shared which LoL Champions and roles she tends to play. “Won my promos on Sona,” she replies to a user asking who her main is, “but I also play Janna, Lux, and Morg.”

When being asked about Lulu, she replied: “Working on my Lulu, but it’s not ready for prime time yet,” adding that she also sometimes plays enchanter Champ, Soraka, whose “ult is definitely the Medicare for All of the game”. As for her role, she simply explains: “One can say my role is to support the people”, with a little smile emoji.

She even expresses her frustration with toxicity in game.

Silver III is a pretty impressive rank to have achieved in the game as a recreational player, and while it’s not quite in the top tier territory of Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger ranks, it’s a long way from Iron IV. According to League of Graphs, around 8.1% of players are currently in the rank.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not the only congressional League of Legends player. Representative Josh Harder of California’s 10th District claimed to have reached Platinum rank last year. “Congress might work better if more battles were fought on summoner’s rift instead of committee hearings,” the young Congressman tweeted at the time. Funnily enough, this sentiment echoes the old (now retconned) League of Legends lore, in which Summoners controlled the champions on the rift to solve their political and national disputes.

If AOC continues to grind ranked solo queue, the next milestone she could try to reach is hitting Gold IV before the League season ends so she can get the newest Victorious skin.