All the changes in TFT patch 11.4: Yone got another buff, Riot nerfs Samira

This patch 11.4 TFT got a lot of mini-rework compared to patch 11.3. In this article we will be looking through all the changes that Riot has made, that includes: the Chosen system, Lucky Lanterns, dominant traits, and reroll carries to promote com pivots and create new and unique combinations. Without any further ado, let’s get right into the highlights.

TFT systems

Lucky Lanterns

Stage 3 Lantern: It is no longer possible to get 2 Loaded Dice or 2 Target Dummies

Stage 4 Lantern: It is no longer possible to get 2 Loaded Dice or 2 Target Dummies

Stage 4 Lantern: It is no longer possible to get 3 Item Components


Chosen Base Odds: 33%⇒50%

Rolling Odds for Level 4: 60/40/0/0/0%⇒80/20/0/0/0%

Chosen Bonus Spell Power: 30⇒15

Chosen Bonus Attack Damage: 20⇒10

Chosen Bonus Mana Reduction: 25%⇒15%

Chosen Bonus Health: 400⇒300 (The bonus 200 health baseline that Chosens receive just for being Chosen is not affected here)

TFT traits

Assassin Crit Chance:10/30/55 ⇒ 10/30/50

Assassin Bonus Crit Damage:25/60/100 ⇒ 25/55/90

Brawler Health: 400/700/1000/1600⇒400/700/1000/1400

Brawler Attack Damage: 10/20/60/120⇒10/20/40/80

Cultist Supreme Overlord Galio (Cultist 9): Bonus Magic Resist: 20⇒60 (100 total)

Dragonsoul Blast Damage: 50% ⇒ 40% max Health

Dragonsoul Spell Power and Attack Speed: 40/80/160% ⇒ 40/70/140%

Divine True Damage & Damage Reduction: 35/45/55/65 ⇒ 25/40/55/70

Duelist Attack Speed: 15/25/40/60% ⇒ 12/20/35/60%

Elderwood Armor and Magic Resist: 15/25/40⇒15/20/30

Elderwood Attack Damage and Spell Power: 5/10/20⇒5/10/15

Warlord Health: 250/500/850⇒250/400/700

Warlord Spell Power: 25/50/85⇒25/40/70

TFT units

Tier 1

Diana Attack Speed: 0.7⇒0.65

Diana Pale Cascade Shield: 200/300/450⇒175/250/350

Diana Pale Cascade Orb Damage: 90/100/110⇒80/85/90

Fiora Mana: Mana: 0/75⇒0/95

Nasus Mana: 0/60⇒0/80

Nasus Magic Resist: 50⇒40

Nasus Wither damage: 400/600/850 ⇒ 350/550/750

Nidalee bugfix nerf: fixed a bug where the range calculation was adding 1 extra Hex of distance

Nidalee Javelin Toss Damage: 225/300/600⇒100/150/250

Nidalee Javelin Toss Bonus Damage per Hex: 20%⇒80%

Wukong Crushing Blow Attack Damage Scaling: 250/265/280%⇒240/250/260%

Yasuo Striking Steel Attack Damage Scaling: 180/200/225%⇒180/185/190%

Tier 2

Braum Attack Speed: 0.6⇒0.75

Braum Mana: 30/70⇒30/60

Nautilus Armor: 45⇒55

Nautilus Magic Resist: 30⇒40

Nautilus Fabled Shield Damage Reduction: 60%⇒50%

Teemo Sporecloud Dart prioritization: Highest Attack Speed⇒Current Target

Zed Attack Speed: 0.8⇒0.75

Tier 3

Irelia Bladestorm Disarm Duration: 2.5/3/3.5⇒2.5/3/4 seconds

Katarina Death Lotus number of targets: 4/6/8⇒4/5/6

Katarina Death Lotus total Spell Damage: 600/900/1650⇒600/900/1500

Kennen Slicing Maelstrom Damage: 150/225/375⇒200/300/400

Neeko Blooming Burst: 150/225/375⇒200/300/400

Neeko Fabled Bonus Multiplier: 200%⇒150%

Nunu Consume Damage: 450/650/1800⇒450/700/1500

Shyvana Health: 750⇒700

Shyvana Magic Resist: 80⇒60

Shyvana Burn Damage: 150/300/600 ⇒ 125/250/500

Tier 4

Aatrox Infernal Chains Damage: 350/550/1500⇒400/600/2000

Aurelion Sol Voice of Lightning Damage: 325/500/1750⇒325/500/1400

Cho’Gath Armor: 40⇒60

Cho’Gath is updated his Rupture targeting to be slightly less random and hit crowds more frequently, because that’s what crowd control is for.

Kayle Divine Ascension Wave Damage: 100/180/500⇒100/150/400

Morgana Hallowed Ground Damage: 250/400/2000⇒250/400/1600

Olaf Ragnarok Cleave Damage: 40/45/50%⇒50/50/50%

Olaf Ragnarok now blocks the AD Reduction debuff

Talon Truestrike Attack Damage Scaling: 240/250/275%⇒240/250/300%

Tryndamere Spinning Slash now looks for targets in a slightly larger range to spin towards

Tryndamere Spinning Slash dash speed increased

Tryndamere Mana: 50/100⇒60/100

Xayah Featherstorm Attack Damage Scaling: 250/275/325%⇒250/275/350%

Tier 5

Ornn Artifact, Eternal Winter hits until Frozen: 5⇒7

Ornn Artifact, Manazane Mana Restore Duration: 8⇒4 seconds

Yone Seal Fate Damage: 600/1200/9999 ⇒ 800/1200/20000

Yone Unforgotten Damage: 350/600/1500⇒350/750/9999

Samira Attack Range: 660⇒420

TFT items

Deathblade AD Per Stack: 20 ⇒ 10

Deathblade Starting Stacks: 1 ⇒ 4

Gargoyle Stoneplate Bonus Armor and Magic Resist: 15⇒20

Statikk Shiv no longer deals bonus damage to Shields

Statikk Shiv can now critically strike

Statikk Shiv crits reduce the Magic Resist of targets hit by 60% for 6 seconds

Statikk Shiv damage: 80⇒60

Statikk Shiv Targets Hit: 4/5/6⇒4

Sunfire Cape now applies its burn every 2.5 seconds instead of 2. This nerf will result in fewer enemies on fire as the Cape needs slightly more time to heat up.

Quicksilver now blocks the AD Reduction debuff.

Read more about patch 11.4 here.