Already 1000 days, Zac still has not received a new skin – Zac Skins

“The angrier you get, the more this is going to hurt…”

Zac Skins – Zac is the product of a toxic spill that ran through a chemtech seam and pooled in an isolated cavern deep in Zaun’s Sump. Despite such humble origins, Zac has grown from primordial ooze into a thinking being who dwells in the city’s pipes, occasionally emerging to help those who cannot help themselves or to rebuild the broken infrastructure of Zaun.

A group of Zaunite children first encountered Zac when they were out skimming rocks over a sump pool and some of the stones were thrown back. The “Returning Pool” became well-known to Zaun’s Sump dwellers, and eventually drew the attention of a shadowy cabal of chemtech alchymists. Over the protests of the local residents, the alchymists pumped the contents of the pool into vats and carried the substance back to their laboratories for experimentation.

Via a series of experiments designed to test negative and positive reinforcement techniques, the alchymists discovered the coagulate mass within the pool appeared to have psychotropic tendencies. Simply put, it mirrored whatever stimulus was provided to it. If treated well, it responded with childlike glee and playfulness, but when its response to pain and aggression were tested, the alchymists lost numerous augmented sump-scrappers in the ensuing destruction.

Already 1000 days, Zac still has not received a new skin to change his skin – Zac Skins

Even Urgot has a Pajama Guardian Cosplay skin, but Zac has not had a new skin more than 1000 days,

Is Zac nobody playing anymore? Does Zac have an extremely bad win rate in solo queue and the professional arena? There is no! Still be a mighty mighty force filled. But life, Riot don’t likes Zac so Riot does not give skin.

Zac Skins

Get the f*ck out – Zac Skins

It’s been 1000 days since the SKT T1 skin was launched on June 27, 2017. And before that, Zac was also very poor when there were only 2 more skins when entering the Summoner’s Rift on May 29. 3 in 2013 with skin Special Weapon Zac and Pool Party Zac.

Riot didn’t even bother to explain this discrimination. Fans guess that Zac’s special appearance makes designing costumes for him a very difficult challenge, because once he changes his physique to skill, Zac will look very strange.

Zac Skins

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But it was also very sad for Zac, because no one playing like Ornn also got a new skin after 900 days. This has always been a huge imbalance problem that the team of “200 years of experience” has never been able to handle. And if there is still no new move, Elise, Kayle, Singed, Cassiopeia and Syndra will soon join the group of champions 1000 days without skin only.