What will Ambessa Medarda be as a League of Legends Champion?

Ambessa Medarda is set to become a brand-new champion on Summoner’s Rift. From her appearance in Arcane, we can already speculate about the type of champion she might be.

Fans of the Netflix series Arcane were introduced to this formidable fighter, and from what we’ve seen in Arcane Season 2 trailers, she is poised to play a much more significant role in the upcoming season. However, she won’t just be a key character in the television series; she’s also being transformed into a brand-new champion for League of Legends. So, what kind of champion will she be?

League of Legends: Ambessa Medarda as a Champion

Ambessa Medarda gives off strong top lane vibes. She looks and feels like a top lane brawler, and nothing else makes sense when considering her character from the first season of Arcane.

It’s known that Ambessa Medarda is a skilled melee combatant who prefers using weapons like a push dagger. This fighting style would fit well with melee juggernauts similar to Darius, Garen, or even Illaoi. Therefore, we could envision her wielding short daggers in close-quarters combat.

Ambessa has also demonstrated quick reflexes and agility, which suggests that her kit could include at least one dash or spacing ability to close gaps when facing ranged top laners. In the latest Arcane Season 2 Teaser Trailer from June 2024, we see Ambessa donning a golden uniform, hinting at her potential appearance on Summoner’s Rift. This could imply that she will be able to withstand a decent amount of damage.

I could imagine her being a champion who doesn’t use mana, instead relying on her health, similar to Dr. Mundo, or building up an energy bar akin to Sett. She would most likely be an AD champion, scaling off AD or health in some manner like most bruisers.

Ambessa Medarda is expected to be released in November, alongside Arcane Season 2, so players will need to be patient until she joins Summoner’s Rift.