Analyze Big Changes in Patch 10.22, The Last Season 10 Update

As the end of Season 10 is near, after Patch 10.22 will open up Preseason 2021.

Before talking about changes, make sure to read Patch 10.22 detail here.


The biggest change in Patch 10.22 League of Legends definitely belongs to Annie. From now on, this champion has been buffed to become an extremely offensive support champion with her E – Molten Shield now can be used on allies. Instead of reducing damage, Annie’s E now provides an extra shield. With a fairly low-health, squishy champion like Annie, especially playing as a Support, this change helps her survive much better in team fights.

Not to mention when enemies hit your shielded ally, they will also receive some AP damage, this change is so suitable to protect and also redirect damage when Annie and her carry trading with bot lane in the early game. Combining this with her already huge burst damage abilities and AOE crowd control, Annie can create immense pressure and seek an opportunity to snowball in the laning phase. Patch 10.22 changes promise we will see Annie much frequently as Support.


Brand is also a champion who receive major changes. His E – Conflagration now always spreads to nearby enemies and his Ultimate – Pyroclasm can now be bounced back to Brand. When the enemy’s Markman want to farm, he/she needs to stay near creeps, with this new E adjustment, Brand can easily apply his Passive while casting his E on a creep. Similar to Annie, Patch 10.22 promises to bring another aggressive support champion into the meta. If play properly, Brand can deny tons of gold or even experiences.

Despite being so strong at bullying lane, Brand is still a fragile, squishy champion. This will open many ways to for Jungle Champions to gank and finish off Brand if he doesn’t have enough visions when playing agressively. If you have to play against Brand, just farm passively and wait for your team, eventually he will make some mistakes.


Moving to the top lane, our spotlight: Nasus – “R bonus resists increased to 40-70. R now does not gain 1-3 resistance per second”. This will help Nasus gains better advantages when he reachs level 6 without having to passively farm in order to stack up Nasus’ Q. Also, to avoid Nasus being dive under turret too much, making him unable to scale back, this is an essential buff for him.


One of the most “nerf-wanted” champions in League of Legends – Samira just receive a sort of minor reduction in Patch 10.22. She will lose 2 Base Amor and 2 Base AD at the start of the game. This change is mostly aimed to tune down Samira power Pre-Level-6, especially when she reaches her peak at level 3. From now on, Samira will be extremely vulnerable before she gets her Ultimate ready. If you are a Jungle player, make sure to pay her a visit before she becomes a monster.