Anti-Meta With Darius Star Guardian!!!

Hello guys, welcome back! Today I will bring you a comp to help you guys get a higher rank in Teamfight Tactics without depending on the meta.

First of all, we need to know what is anti-meta? As you guys know, “meta” in Teamfight Tactics is the strongest comps at the present time. That means there will be a lot of players who want to build those comps, so it’s easy to understand that your necessary champions will be taken by the other players. As a consequence, you will be in 8th place and your keyboard will be crashed. And that’s why today, I will help you guys create your own comp to beat the meta and it’s the meaning of “anti-meta”.

In Teamfight Tactics, when Darius casts his skill, he will dunk an enemy and deal a quite large amount of damage. If his skill kills the target, Darius will immediately cast it again. So if he is a Star Guardian and kills his targets constantly with his skill, he will increase 30-50 mana for the other Star Guardians and help them to spam their skills.

These are all the things you need to build this comp: 6 Star Guardians including Poppy, Zoe, Ahri, Syndra, Soraka and Darius using the item “Star Guardian’s Charm”.

Based on each situation, you can level up to 9 and use 4 Space Pirates with Graves, Jayce and Gangplank. Jayce and Poppy allow you to active 2 Vanguards and they are also tankers for you front line. If you play this comp with 6 Star Guardians and 4 Space Pirates, you can replace Zoe by Neeko because Ahri and Syndra are enough to active 2 Sorcerers to gain more damage for Darius and Neeko will provide your comp with crowd control.

If you want to maximize the amount of Darius’s damage to help him immediately kill his targets, you should consider to play 6 Sorcerers and 6 Star Guardians. However, this comp is really lack of tankers for front line and it’s very risky to play. But if you have many defensive items for Poppy, you can try this comp.

If you want another comp which is safer than 6 Star Guardians and 6 Sorcerers, you should replace Lux and Vel’Koz with Jayce and Lulu (or another Mystic champion) to active 2 Space Pirates, 2 Vanguards and 2 Mystics. This comp will both gain more damage for Darius and have enough tankers as well as magic resist for your whole team.