Aphelios and Neeko T Pose Bug

If you haven’t noticed, there is a visual bug going on between Aphelios and Neeko in the current patch.

This bug happens when Neeko takes Aphelios’s appearance. It appears that the “fake” Aphellio (Neeko) has a T pose and doesn’t have any visual effects on any action including auto-attacking and walking. There is too much ammo displayed when Neeko takes Aphelio’s appearance.

Riot Games haven’t mentioned anything about this bug, nor fixing the issue in the next patch, yet. The safest choice for players who don’t want this bug to happen is to do not have Aphelios and Neeko on the same team.

Let’s take a look at another example in the video. In normal games, this could be a funny moment, but in ranked, this is such a disadvantage for Neeko and her team.

Would you want to snipe on that Aphelios above? Pretty convincing, isn’t he?

Some people have experienced another Neeko bug where she became her “clone”. By that mean, sometimes the player couldn’t auto-attack or cast spell on Neeko after using W – Shapesplitter or her Ultimate.

This bug or any kind of bugs could be disturbing to the player since they couldn’t play the game properly. People who experienced this bug even mentioned that they tried to reset the computer or the game itself; the bug is still there. According to the players, there is no way to fix it, but have to wait until they finish the game.

Neeko by AyyaSAP

The cause of this bug is still undefined, and not sure if Riot Games get it fixed. These disturbing bugs could lead to a negative experience game-play and affect the player since Neeko is one of the most popular champions in League at the moment.

Have you experienced any of these bugs? If not, is there any other Neeko bug you know that hasn’t been fixed yet?