ARAM fans are upset the popular mainstay is being shunned in favor of temporary ones like Ultimate Spellbook

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u/TeapotTempest made an articulate reddit thread decrying the neglect of ARAM from Riot

The post has since garnered over 4000 upvotes showcasing how common the sentiment is among League fans

via Riot Games

ARAM has been a mainstay LoL mode with demonstrable popularity and deserves more development resources

A huge portion of League player base has played a few games of ARAM and for many the mode IS League of Legends, with a legion of fans exclusively queueing ARAM with friends or after becoming fed up with the ranked grind. It is a casual game mode that any can enjoy, whether you’re a tryhard LP climber or a casual player, whether you’re an expert at the game or a tag-along novice with a group of friends.

There is a case to be had due to its casualness, devs should not take the mode into account when balancing the game, but if a temporary game mode with faltering popularity like Ultimate Spellbook is getting constant updates and fixes like in Patch 12.15, then it’s fair to say they have the time and effort to put into a staple game mode.

Seeing champions with up to 60% winrates on the loading screen is indeed not a fun experience, and part of casualness is fun. So frequent updates to preserve the fun of a casual game mode is nothing out of the ordinary.

via Riot Games