Is Ashen Guardian Shen the last Ashen Knight skin? – Riot answered

Is Ashen Guardian Shen the last mythic Ashen Knight skin released in the game? Let’s hear it from Riot themselves

Image via Riot Games

The preseason 2022 announcement clip from Riot included a number of new game additions that would be arriving to the game. And Mythic Content Overhaul is one of those modifications.

The Hextech skin line would be discontinued, according to Riot in the clip. Instead, they’ve said that they’ll release a new Mythic skin line with each new season, with season 12 featuring the famous Ashen Knight skin line with the cast including Pyke, Pantheon, Sylas, and Mordekaiser.

Image via Riot Games

However, players believed that Mordekaiser would be the final Ashen Knight mythic skin released because Riot had earlier that year verified that each season would have its own mythic skin line. Yet, Riot has revealed the newest addition to the Ashen Knight skin line, Ashen Guardian Shen.

Is Shen the last champion to have Ashen Knight skin?

Ashen Guardian Shen is a forthcoming addition to the Ashen Knight world. Although the skin is gorgeous, Riot’s pledge that each season would have a different mythic design left fans perplexed. And Riot provided us a solid answer when influential members of the community questioned them about the circumstance.

As explained by Riot Brightmoon, the League of Legends Executive Producer, Ashen Guardian Shen would be the “last” Ashen Knight mythic skin. Additionally, he reiterated that a new mythic cosmetic collection will be available in 2023 as promised.

Riot also added that since it was still their anticipated release plan at the time, the conclusion and the release date might not exactly coincide with the year-to-year timeframe.

Image via Riot Games

We can therefore patiently await the forthcoming Mythic skin line’s debut later this year. The forthcoming skin brand is unknown to us, but it should debut shortly.