Ashen Knight Mordekaiser reportedly got leaked

Ashen Knight Mordekaiser is rumored to be the next Mythic skin in the Ashen Knight skin collection

Riot Games revealed in preseason 2022 that they will redesign the Mythic content. Along with the reworked Mythic content, Riot would also remove the Hextech skin line in favor of the seasonal Mythic skin line. Riot did introduce a new seasonal skin line, and the mythic skin line for season 12 is known as Ashen Knight.

Images via Riot Games

The skin Ashen Knight Pyke, was a major success, sending it to the top of the ladder. Because of the success, Riot released Ashen Knight Pantheon a few months later, followed by Ashen Slayer Sylas.

And now, it is rumored that the next Ashen Knight skin will be Mordekaiser.

With the end of Season 12 approaching, Riot Games will release a mythic Ashen Knight skin for the final time. BigBadBear, a well-known League of Legends leaker, recently leaked the information that Mordekaiser will acquire the final mythic Ashen Knight skin in his latest video.

However, he stated that it is an old leak, but it is uncertain that Riot Games will modify the choice, making Morderkaiser the potential champion to acquire the skin line.

Image via Neona_Gloom

Furthermore, BigBadBear stated that the Ashen Knight skin line will soon no longer be a seasonal Mythic skin line. It would instead be a standard skin collection featuring legendary and epic skins that would return in 2023 or 2024.

The Ashen Knight Mordekaiser is expected to be added to League of Legends in Patch 12.23 on December 7, according to the leaks. However, these dates haven’t been confirmed by Riot, so changes should be made from time to time.