Assassin is set to be nerfed heavily by Riot Games?

Riot Games has pledged to keep a close eye on the League of Legends assassin meta that has emerged in Season 11, with intentions to nip the burst champions’ rising strength in the future if their role continues to dominate the meta.

The “assassin meta” is making its presence known throughout the Rift in both ranked and normal games

In the top 10 most-chosen champions, assassin champions such as Zed, Akali, Yasuo and Yone have been in the leaderboard for a while now and without any other replacing them.

Prowler’s Claw becomes the most popular item for AD Assassin

Assassins are having a moment in the LoL spotlight right now, plus as Season 11’s ever-changing meta continues to force out fewer mobile champions along with more unique items for them to utilize.

A Reddit posted also imply about this situation, when a single mid lane is dominated by only one typical role.

“There are no popular control mages, artillery mages, or different picks. Mid-lane has lost its playstyle diversity and now all of the meta picks behave the same in team fights. Why is this not seen by Riot as an issue?”

Then RiotJag, LoL’s lead designer, Jeevun ‘Jag’ Sidhu had confirmed about the meta is “very much on the radar”.

The push to end League’s assassin meta has already begun, with Riot releasing various nerfs and adjustments in LoL patch 11.13 last week. However, it is still not confirmed that Riot removes them entirely from the meta. This is part of the Twitter post back in May 2019 of August Browning, who designed assassins like Rengar, Ekko…

“Rengar (and champs like him) instantly one-shotting you is GOOD FOR LEAGUE OF LEGENDS”

So it appears that players might have to continue to get used to mid lane champions one-shotting your ADC in the meantime.