Aurelion Sol CGU: First gameplay teased of the new Dragon Fantasy!

A new year brings new updates to League of Legends, including a long-awaited upgrade to Aurelion Sol. CGU, or Comprehensive Gameplay Update, is a new type of rework in which Riot overhauls a champion’s whole kit without modifying their aesthetics.

The first CGU in League will be given to Aurelion Sol, with the aim of turning the champion into a true dragon fantasy. And, after all the waits, the Aurelion Sol CGU’s full abilities have been revealed. A video provided today by SkinSpotlights showed off each of the new abilities, indicating that the champion is heading in an entirely different way than his initial kit.

Aurelion Sol new abilities

Most noticeable kit of Aurelion Sol, which is the starts, no longer orbit around him at all times. Instead, Cosmic Creator, a new passive for the champion, improves the efficacy of his abilities as he gathers stacks of Stardust by damaging opponents with his abilities.

His Q, Breath of Light, now delivers greater damage the longer it targets a single enemy while gaining Stardust. His W reappears in a significantly modified version, allowing him to move a short distance with an apparently reduced cooldown. Aurelion Sol can also easily cast Q with enhanced damage when using his W.

The loss of Aurelion Sol’s stars has resulted in the addition of his E, Singularity, which now behaves as a tiny black hole with a significant gravitational pull similar too Orianna’s ult, this ability will also execute enemies under a certain HP threshold. With more Stardust, the black hole will increase in size and cause more damage.

His new ultimate, Falling Star, hurls a massive meteor toward enemies, stunning those who are hit by it. Enough stack of Stardust will transform this ability into The Skies Descend, increasing the impact, knocking up enemies impacted, and releasing a shockwave that travels an extremely long distance.

It is presently unknown when his full gameplay upgrade will be made accessible on League’s live servers, but this enormous revamp to the champion’s skills is likely to be in testing for many weeks.