Aurelion Sol will receive the first CGU in League, turning him into the true Star Forger

Aurelion Sol will be getting an all-new kind of LoL rework CGU as part of League of Legends Season 12 to make him worthy of the Star Forger

According to the most recent Champion Roadmap blog, Riot Games will give Aurelion Sol a “completely new kit,” comparable to Urgot and Sion, while yet keeping the champion thematically compatible with who he is. While his visual style remains up-to-date, the champion will be subjected to a “Comprehensive Gameplay Update (CGU),” a new sort of update aimed at improving his underwhelming kit.

Image via Riot Games

Said in the blog that the developers want to highlight the champion’s “dragon fantasy” because they don’t believe he presently fulfills that aspect of his image. While these modifications may take some time to completely achieve, Riot hopes to have them available to players towards the end of the year.

A CGU’s purpose is to improve gameplay for a champion who has “high-quality art and narrative, but whose gameplay just doesn’t quite deliver on their fantasies”. Riot will rebuild the champion’s kit from scratch with the same model, concept, and storyline since the purpose of a CGU is to update the gameplay only. As a result, just Aurelion Sol‘s abilities are being modified.

Image via Riot Games

Aurelion Sol has been that one particular champion that has fallen off of League of Legends. According to, his pick rate is currently at one of the lowest ones in the game, 0.63%. With that in mind, Riot is trying the best they can to help out the Star Forger with the first CGU coming to League. And if the update is appropriate and players are pleased with the outcome, the developers may consider following suit with more champions in the future.