Bargain – The idea of a gem that allows you to reduce your purchase price

In the context Prototype: Omnistone is creating mixed opinions about its true usefulness, many players have come up with different ideas about the types of the keystone that give them more advantages.

The preseason 2020 update has begun to go in its right direction. Among the numerous changes brought to Summoner’s Rift, the items and runes used in the game cannot be ignored. They all made this period the greatest game revolution in League of Legends history.

On Reddit, there was an idea to create a new Runes to help you negotiate the purchase price

Note, I am not saying replace another keystone or anything. I just thought of this idea and thought it was a cool idea and wanted to share and get thoughts.

Inspiration: Kleptomancy was about battling in specific situations and get faster income and other items. But it was a market manipulation keystone. Other inspiration runes also manipulate the market (free stopwatch, free boots, free biscuits, and futures market).

This idea is a bit strong (so keystone), that reduces the cost of items you buy. A Bargain giving you better deals in the shop.

  1. The % reduction needs to be determined
  2. The timing of reduction could be determined.
  3. Should there be any consequences.

I like the idea. Klepto also helped accelerate your market, but this would do so in a different way. Say it was a flat 10% reduction for the whole game. You could start Doran Ring + Refillable, or Doran Blade and 2 Pots. Later on you could buy an IE or something for ~2900 gold.

Honestly, the 340 gold reduction on items doesn’t sound that big to me, but I am sure it would be very strong especially because it isn’t just one item but helps you get another item even sooner.

So, is the idea too strong? Should it be delayed. Maybe you can’t use the discount in the first x-minutes (first shop) so no lane advantage. Or maybe the discount starts small and increases over the game length. Maybe you only get a few amounts of discounts so you can’t just spam it.

But this is a keystone, so it should be kind of strong. Additionally, you get good items/early lane/whatever. But then you don’t actually have a battle keystone to help you in trades and such. And are forced into inspiration, which is good but not always the best.

Other ideas/limits include cannot/reduced sell back to the store, limited number of ‘bargains’ (so rewards people who buy big item),

If this idea is noticed and true by Riot Games, it will certainly be more popular than the Prototype: Omnistone because of its stability and ease of control. Do you like this idea? Leave your comments below

Information From: Reddit