The base mechanic mana regeneration rate is putting Mages and mana users at disadvantages

Fans are suggesting that the mana regeneration rate of the League of Legends bases should be based on the amount of missing mana instead.

Recently, u/ChevreOketchuP pointed out that the base’s regeneration mechanism hasn’t favored champions who use mana, especially in the laning phase. If a mana-based champion with the home guard buff (first 20 minutes of a match) is recalled back to their base, the structure will grant them 2.1% maximum health and 2.1% maximum mana every 0.25s. If your champion recalls when their mana is much lower than their health (which is a perfectly good case to recall and should be the best case when you recall), it will take some extra time for them to fully recover.

Image via Riot Games

And clearly, this is not alright. In a lot of cases, many players have to leave the base when they only have regenerated 70% of their mana pool. Compared to the no-mana champions, it may take you around 8 seconds more than them, today there are 25 champions out of 156 champions who don’t require mana in their kits. This may not sound like much, but you will know the struggle is real if you ever put your time to get better in League of Legends.

This post has gotten over 12.2k upvotes and 1k comments, demonstrating how the community feels about the aforementioned issue. They believe Riot Games should alter the regeneration method of the base from x.x percent maximum mana / x.x seconds to x.x percent maximum mana + x.x percent missing / x.x seconds; many people agree that putting in the correct value in that x may solve the problem.

Mana champions didn’t have many ways to gain cooldown reduction (CDR) in the early days, but with updates to the CDR mechanisms, more items are getting the CDR stat and mana less champions are getting more tools put into their kits, and the imbalance between these two types of champions in the laning phase is out of control. This is why there was a time when Sett and Renekton could wreak havoc in the middle lane.

Image via Riot Games

In T1’s match against DRX, Faker abused this knowledge to get the upper hand when he sacrificed his health to push the wave way too fast and force his enemy laner to use his Ryze’s precious Teleport to catch up Faker’s waves clearing speed, without having to spend his Teleport, he just simply walked back.

This disadvantage is getting more obvious by the days since Riot’s making it tougher especially for mage champions in their laning phase and for mana-based champions in general.