28 Basic Counter Rules That Not Everyone Follow in League [Part 1]

Every champion designed differently in a unique way. They all have strengths and weaknesses that not every player knows about. There are no Over Power champions. There is always a way to counter every single one of them.

1. When Illaoi Uses Her Ultimate, You Run Away

Please! I have seen so many players try to solo Illaoi when she uses her ultimate and then cursed the design team why this champion is so OP.

Just step back for a bit when she activated her ultimate. There is no point standing inside her advantage to solo her. Wait until it goes away or until you are not in its range anymore.

2. When Malphite Walks Up with His Ultimate, You Do Not Group


I can’t stress this enough with low elo players or some high elo players as well. If you feel like Malphite’s ultimate is up, just keep a distance from his team, make sure you have wards all around the map.

Therefore you know the enemy Malphite’s location and can easily dodge his ultimate or just do not give him any chance to use it.

3. When Tryndamere Uses His Ultimate, You Do Not Attack Him

It is a bad idea to try solo Tryndamere when you’re under 50% HP, or when you have no hard cc, ignite, or exhaust. Unless the Tryndamere you solo is way too behind, then that’s when you should be confident 1 v 1 him.

4. When Kha’zix Has You Isolated, You Do Not 1 v 1 him

If you do not know, Kha’zix’s passive will mark the nearby enemies that are isolated from their allies. Kha’Zix’s abilities have interactions with Isolated targets.

For example, he will deal more bonus magic damage and/or slow them for a few seconds by his auto attack. His (Q) when evolved will refund a percent of it’s cooldown against Isolated targets. His (W) when evolved will slow the Isolated targets even more.

5. When Zoe Bubbles Your Carry, You Block the Q for Them

There is no description for this. If you know if it is the right time to sacrifice your HP or even your life for your team carrier, do so. This might cost you a lost.

6. When Taric Uses His Ultimate, You Wait It Out

Similar to Kindred’s or Kayle Ultimate, if you cannot knock them out from their Ultimate or hard cc them, do not try to fight or waste your abilities/mana on them. They will not receive any damage while their ultimate is activated, but hard cc.

7. When Jax Uses His Counter-Strike (E), You Do Not Auto Attack Him

When Jax uses his (E) Counter-Strike, he dodges all incoming basic attacks for 2 seconds and reduces AoE damage by 25% while he’s dodging. At the end of the duration, Jax deals physical damage to nearby enemies and stuns them for 1 second.

Therefore, all of your auto attacks will be blocked at this point. Unless you want to gain life-steal, or has something that could blocks/cleanse his stun, then you should 1 v 1 him. Otherwise, it is best to keep distance from him while he is using his (E).

8. When Rengar Uses His Ultimate, You Peel for The Carries

Similar to No. 5, with Zoe’s Sleep Bubbles, you should know when it is time to protect your Carries. Stay near by your Carries and ready to protect them from Rengar. By protecting, you can either try to use your sweeping lenses, and have your abilities ready.

9. When Singed is Running Away, You Do Not Chase

“Never chase a Singed.” I have heard/seen this sentence countless time since 2009. Really, chasing a Singed is just a waste of time. If you get a kill out of the chase, that is great!

However, if you keep wandering behind him like how you chase your crush when she runs away, it’s not going to lead you anywhere, but wasting your time!

10. When Yorick Summons His Girlfriend, You Poke Her Down. You Do Not Fight Him Unless She is GONE!

According to a Yorick main on Reddit, he said:” After 6 if he summons maiden (R) on you you should let him push under your tower. If he hits his E mark, run back, the maiden will follow you and die to tower. Also, the maiden heals in base, you shouldn’t let them recall. “

11. When Sett Uses (W), You Wait

Sett (W)

Instead of using that precious time to waste your abilities on him, you should walk sideways to dodge his One-Punch Man ability. There is no point wasting your mana on his shield, and then take his damage.

12. When Shen Uses His Ultimate on You, Maybe Consider Not Flashing Away

According to Shen players, Shen ultimate feels more like an engage assist tool than an actually save. Therefore, when a Shen ulted you, try to choose a safe position and set up a fight for him when he about to show up.

13. When You’re Dealing with Heavy Healing Comps, Executioner’s/Morello is Your Priority

“He/She heals so much!” These two items are the best for heavy healing comps like Soraka, Garen, Sona, Nami, etc. However, it’s best to get these items as soon as possible before the enemy becomes fed or too tanky.

14. When Kayle or Kassadin Hits Lvl 16 and You are Nowhere Near Winning the Game, Just Type /ff in the Chat

Kassadin Meme by Voyboy

This is a Fact. Just imagine a fed late game Vayne, this feels the same..

All players should acknowledge a champion’s strengths and play around it. What do You think About this List?

Let us Know in the Comments!

Credit: Reddit

Read More: 28 Basic Rules That Not Everyone Follow in League [Part 2]