Best Supports to dominate bot lane with Samira (Part 1)

The appearance of the newest ADC in League of Legends – Samira – has given countless ADC mains worldwide a breath of fresh air into the role.

Unique, fun to play, able to take risks, Samira, even it was just a week from her official release, has redefined the old “stay in lane and farm” meta in the bot lane.

For ADC mains, Samira has been a decent improvement to the playstyle of ADCs, but the introduction of a hyper-aggressive champion often suggests that those who follow a style of play that focus on healing and shielding may need to reconsider about their choices. As she doesn’t enjoy being on the frontlines given the fact how dangerous Samira is, obviously she would prefers someone to set up plays for her. Due to the fact that she got nerfed directly just shortly after her release for being too overpowered, in terms of a supporting cast she obviously needs some assistance.

While Support champions like Nami, Lulu, Soraka or Janna can do a wonderful job keeping her alive and stay healthy for the entire mid and late game, the team will obviously need a tank that can open combats easily to create a chance for her to follow up. These support champions, however, don’t give her a chance to dominance the lane at all, which she is all about. If you have Samira as your teammate, it will be a whole lot better to grab a Support who can create potential plays that help her dominate her lane.

Samira will have the ability to take advantage from the mistakes of enemies by combining with a tank support champion who has stun abilities. This will, therefore, also lowers the need for ganking to ensure kills for your jungler. However, you’ll also need to look out for any movement from the enemy jungler, as overstepping into a trap or a well-setup countergank will destroy all the momentum you had in the lane.

Passive is the biggest reason why Samira would prefer a champion who can set up plays with crowd control (CC) for her. If they’re still stunned, Daredevil Impulse will help Samira to strike the foe for 0.5 seconds, which also left them to knock up for the same duration. This also allows her basic attack timer to reset, which means she can do more damage. Moreover, when she fights in her melee mode, she deals bonus magical damage depending on the lost health of her target, CC abilities will help her close the initial distance she would have against her enemies.

In short, these are a list of Support champions that would fit Samira the best:


You will note one popular in-game mechanic that most of them share in our list of champions who complement Samira the best. The most difficult type of skill shot for some players is their hooking spells, while others can even land one with their eyes closed.

Although Pyke is by nature not that tanky, the aggression his kit offers is sufficient to make him one of Samira’s best partners. (Q) Bone Skewer is a perfect way to turn the heat on the bot lane, and Pyke is given ample room to make mistakes by (W) Ghostwater Dive. This means that if you do not over-extend, you will still have a path back to safety.

(E) Ghost Undertow ensures that you seal the kills because Samira is capable of dissipating a large amount of damage in that 1.25 seconds — and it even gets much crazier when Pyke reaches level six. When Pyke activates his ultimate, Samira and he start taking no hostages, any enemies that they got their hands on will eventually find themselves at their base from time to time.


Alistar may be one of the oldest champions in the league, but it’s always pretty hard to equal the overall effect he’s had both on the lane and in the game. The champion’s unmatched tanky characteristics becomes something of a risk with his engaging skills.

Alistar’s passive is also a fantastic tool to maintain your position on the lane, as Samira benefits well from his passive healing. Alistar is potentially the most direct support champion to play with his comparatively elementary combo on our list. We also recommend that you should not auto-cast your (W) Headbutt because it will end the combat before it even begins if it is cast incorrectly.

What you need to do is execute a (W) Headbutt-(Q) Pulverize combo when the enemy oversteps and Samira is expected to handle the rest. Make sure you trigger (E) Trample and use it on someone you’re using for further stun duration. Alternatively, you might also use it to get a second kill if you feel that your previous target is certainly going to be eliminated.

At level six, you’re going to have to concentrate more on taking as much damage as you can, because you will enable Samira to has a space to get in and out of a fight with little to no bruises.


All League players will be aware of the difficulties of playing against a decent Thresh. The champion’s way of playing enhances the potential of every champion for whom he plays with — and Samira is no different. Thresh ‘s special ability to reactivate his hook and bring himself close and his opponent makes room for any instant play that he can capitalize on with his (E) Flay.

(W) Dark Passage also acts as an ideal escape method for Samira while she overstays her welcome and has a lightweight shield that can make a difference in close combat. Thresh’s ultimate combine Samira well since the slow duration can give Samira the time she needs to pick up any stacks for her passive or deliver the final blows

(W) Dark Passage is also decent to give Samira the space she wants on a lane where she’s continuously ganked. Since it’s going to be less than desirable for her to lose out on the farm, you should still keep your distance and get her out of difficulties with your lantern if she gets ganked. Although this doesn’t actually help her score any kills, she’s still going to stay scaling.


If you have hard time landing hooks with champions like Thresh and Pyke, Leona is typically the middle ground that offers the same amount of effectiveness but in a totally different theme.

Her (E) Zenith Blade is shockingly easier to reach than any other hooking spell in the game, and Leona also enjoys teleporting to enemies because of her tanky design. Synchronizing your basic skills will grant you 1.5 seconds of stunning time that Samira can use to berserk on your enemy in the lane. This time lasts up to three seconds after Leona reaches level six. Her ultimate is also a perfect way to avoid ganks from occurring alongside initiating engagements.

After unlocking your ultimate with Leona, your lane can turn into an ARAM match, because you’ll have the opportunity to set the way for any sort of gank. Although (W) Eclipse is a perfect way to do any extra damage, consider timing it right before you take damage because the tankiness it offers is one of the main elements that Leona characterizes.

This is the end of Part 1 of this series, we will continue to discuss about the best Supports for Samira on another article. What about you? Which Support do you think will suit Samira the best? Leave a comment and let us know your choice!

Here’s part 2:

Hope you enjoy this!