Best Supports to dominate bot lane with Samira (Part 2)

For this part, we continue to introduce you some of the best Supports to combine with Samira. the latest ADC to appear in League of Legends.


In recent years, Galio has been all around the map. His time was in the middle and top lanes, but he bent somewhat to the bottom of the map now. He was still able to become one of the best supports because he had a good crowd control kit, but he could only scale when playing other lanes.

Galio is by his own essence, an outstanding match for Samira with his fantastic statistics – and he loves fighting too. (E) Justice Punch, together with (W) Durand’s Shield could imply one assured kill for Samira. With (Passive) Gigantic Smash and (Q) Winds of War, he has even much more damage to offer. The latter two provide additional damage – which the pair needed for the early-to-mid game stage.

You won’t need that much farm to remain important in the game if the laning phase doesn’t go according to your plans. You would still be adequate in late-game teamfights and are able to pressure the opponents’ team even without proper items with your powerful (R) Hero’s Entrance.


Taric doesn’t need to dash forward or hook someone like the other champions on our list, but it’s very difficult to ignore the effectiveness he brings to the lane when it comes to healing and extra damage output.

While Samira can easily destroy everyone on the map with enough farm on her own, during the early stages of the game she doesn’t mind any extra support. When he triggers his passive, Bravado, Taric continues clubbing hard and you can may find yourself chain stunning your enemies if you have enough hits between your spells. Until you spot an opponent out of place, land a stun with (Q) Dazzle and start hammering away at them alongside Samira.

Due to the additional shield and healing that (E) Starlight’s Touch and (W) Bastion offer, she would be more than ready to over-extend with Taric by her side.

His (R) Cosmic Radiance opens a whole universe of possibility for Samira at level six. Two and a half seconds of vulnerability when casting the ultimate from Samira increases the total performance of the champion in teamfights.


If you don’t know any of the rules, playing against a Rakan main who knows what they’re doing will sound like a three-dimensional chess game. The potential of the champion to cause havoc unexpectedly from nowhere makes him a perfect match for Samira-just please don’t tell Xayah about it. While when he’s combined with Xayah, the buffs Rakan gets lift his overall strength a little, he’s always perfectly able to put on a masterful display without her.

Rakan comes with a good supporting kit to make up for the shortcomings of Samira, like all the champions on our list. A good source of lane healing, (Q) Gleaming Quill will help you deliver the killing blow in encounters, while your bread and butter would be your (W) Grand Entrance to start fights. The one-second knock-up will be enough to let Samira loose, and with Rakan’s ultimate, (R) The Quickness, things will just only get better after level six.

In order to capitalize on the enemies you are dragging towards her, Samira will be able to dash ahead immediately after you land your skills. Until you use (E) Battle Dance and Samira’s (E) Wild Rush to start syncing in the lane, the dash spells of both champions can make your enemies feel dizzy.

Honorable mentions: Nautilus and Blitzcrank

Even though these two beefy boys have dropped out of the meta a little bit, in the right hands, they are still viable weapons. They both have a hook that bridges the distance and helps Samira to make the most of her passive use. The tanky stats and items buildings of Nautilus and Blitzcrank allow them to act as meat shields for Samira, which she will definitely need in all the stages of a game.

As the champion can also use his hook to disengage, the Nautilus kit helps him to be more mobile than Blitzcrank. For Samira to unleash hell upon her foes, a quick (Q) Dredge Line(Passive) Staggering Blow combo should be enough, and you will always have (E) Riptide to slow down anyone who is trying to make a cut for it. After he reaches level six, the laning phase turns into a walk in the park for Nautilus as his assured stun is one of the easiest ways to set up a kill. One strategy you can do is to get level six when you’re hiding in a bush and shocking your first ultimate at your opponent.

Thanks to its projectile speed, Blitzcrank may have the simplest hook shot in the game, and he has the ability to follow it up with an (E) Power Fist, which throws opponents into the air for a brief duration. Though Blitzcrank doesn’t scale well, if you keep landing hook after hook, you should be totally fine. In the late game, a Flash- (R) Static Field play could help you secure objectives and you can still count on Samira to do the heavy lifting.

Hope you guys enjoy our article. What do you think? What is your favorite Support champion for Shamira? Let us know by leaving a comment.