Big changes for MSI Patch and how they affect the meta

Riot has revealed adjustments for the forthcoming patch 12.8 as the 2022 Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) approaches. How will they affect the tournament meta, and who will benefit the most from all of the buffs?

Following the live server release of patch 12.7, the balancing team has focused on the following adjustments. Patch 12.8 will be the official version of the game that professional players will play in Busan, Korea.

Patch 12.8 has gone live for a few days now with the prospective buffs and nerfs to the champions. Contrary to what happened in the first few months, Riot has implemented big modifications in the aim of shaking up the meta.

Mage champions receive significant buffs in the MSI patch

The first thing to highlight is the buffs to many mage champions, both in the jungle and the mid-lane. Zoe, Kassadin, Xerath, Vel’koz, Sylas, and Fiddlesticks have all gotten significant buffs, which should push them up the priority list. Not to mention, Swain underwent a mid-scope update recently, attempting to bring him back to the solo lane. Zoe is the major champion we should be looking at from a competitive standpoint out of all of these champions.

Image via Riot Games

Following the champion’s nerfs last year, Zoe has vanished from the meta. While some pro players did pick her, she was not widely chosen. Given that her Q and ultimate are spells she frequently casts, the mana cost enhancements will undoubtedly help her poke more frequently during the game.

ADC will see more champions in the MSI meta

Aside from AP Champions, marksmen are also prominent in this patch. First and foremost, Jinx and Xayah are the two champions that have received nerfs in this patch. Because of her Lethality build and massive bursts, Xayah has been the highest performing ADC, while Jinx has been a good option since late season 11.

Image via Riot Games

The nerfs won’t completely remove them from the meta, but they should be enough to give other ADCs some chances. Having said so, it would be fascinating to watch if teams try to innovate their drafts with alternative ADCs or stay with their comfort zone. Tristana gets a little buff with her AD growth, which will still be about 8 AD when she reaches level 18. While the buffs are slight, she may definitely be a decent situational choice, especially if she can flex between mid and bot lane.

Ultimately, these are the most significant changes in patch 12.8. The Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) is planned to begin on May 10, giving teams little time to prepare for the year’s first international tournament.