Send them to the Moon! – Blitzcrank bug is now an official In-game feature

Blitzcrank, who was changed in Patch 12.19 to be both a top laner and a jungler, received additional jungle boosts with this latest patch due to his poor jungling results. In addition to jungle upgrades, he received one more special feature that has no effect on his gameplay.

League players will now be able to see their favorite Steam Robot demonstrate an eye-catching uppercut that was previously thought to be a bug by the developers.

Blitzcrank’s ability to send monsters and minions to the Moon is no longer a bug

Image via Riot Games

Blitzcrank can now send monsters and minions to the moon if he overkills them with his Power Fist after Patch 12.20. To put it in other words, a jungle monster will be pushed into the air for a short time after being killed by Blitzcrank’s enhanced Power Fist.

This ‘feature’ was never meant to make its way into the live servers. According to sources from RossBoomSock’s video, Riot developers failed to repair the bug and chose to accept it as a normal aspect of Jungle Blitzcrank rather than attempting to fix.

To get the new “To the Moon” effect, playes must save Power Fist for the final strike on the jungle monster. They will almost certainly see them fly off Summoner’s Rift if they do everything correctly.

Blitzcrank is one of Riot’s primary goals in the latest League of Legends update. To hasten the Steam Robot clearing of the jungle and top lane, a series of attack speed buffs and E damage buff were applied.

Image via Riot Games

It also had an unforeseen effect on his support win rate, as he quickly rose to the top of League meta after patch 12.19.

However, it is unknown whether Riot will apply any nerfs to support Blitzcrank beyond patch 12.20. While he’s on the verge of becoming a game changer, devs have yet to reveal their plans for the upcoming update.