Doom Bots Mode has made a very unique and memorable impression for all players of League of Legends from the very beginning by posing a series of difficult challenges for gamers to conquer. Now that the new players are almost unaware of the existence of this mode, the old player called on Riot Games to bring this game mode to strengthen the relationship between gamers.
Doom Bots mode has only one goal – survive and protect your main house at all costs. That’s easy to hear? until you see how disgusting, they own the power of Riot Games.
And not just the Lux above possesses superhuman abilities! Many other champions such as Blitzcrank, Veigar, Amumu, Wukong, Malahar, … have been upgraded their skill sets. And your purpose is to defeat them to protect the Nexus in the given time.
Because this game mode is very difficult and requires players to be highly coordinated and team-friendly, just 1 in 5 people who have an individual style of play will easily lead to puncturing the door very easily. So, this game mode will give gamers the opportunity to create new relationships, improve skills, avoid skills, and better understand their friends.
However, the number of champions is increasing, so a Reddit user named haji1823 also gave some additional ideas to the army of Doom Bots with some new faces to enhance the difficulty of the regime:
There are so many cool things you could do to give the bots huge buffs. Things like:
- Spawns 6 soldiers in a circle around him
- Q is the same
- E could have some tweak to it
- Ult is extremely wide and you cannot dash over it.
- Q is sent out in many projectiles around her
- W places 5-10 walls randomly around her
- E is massive and does 5x damage, and hits anyone in the radius
- Ult is massive and follows anivia (would last 5-7 seconds before going on cd for 2-3 seconds)
- Q slams around him and is larger
- W shield is massive
- Epulls everything around him (has increased range also)
- Ult steals the stats of everyone near him and sends them all to his realm
- Q falls randomly around her at fast speeds
- W heal is to all allies nearby
- E randomly drops around her and is larger in size
- R also shields them.
- Q is aoe around him
- W randomly knocks up in locations near him
- E massively shields and his dash range is increased
- R could be a passive effect where all allies gain his ult for a short time, increased ranged.
Also, a fun game mode idea would be to combine urf with all for one to have a 2 in one game mode (please make this a thing it sounds fun and cancer)
Do you like the Doom Bots mode? Do you have any more ideas on how to turn a champion into a genuine “devil” in this game mode? Please leave your opinion in the comment section