“BRG” Skinline: PsyOps Sona’s VO files on PBE server revealed 5 new mysterious skins

In addition to PsyOps Sona, Master Yi, Vi, Shen, Ezreal, and Hextech Ziggs, Riot “leaked” several more skins belonging to a new skin line, codename BRG, including one for a previously data mined future champion, Samira.

What we already know about the upcoming skins

It is still 4 weeks more until patch 10.17 where several balancing changes are to be added into the game, including some quality-of-life changes to Yone after his actual release on patch 10.16, but Riot just released some teasers in the form of Sona’s VO files about upcoming “BRG” skins, which apparently stands for “Black Rose Group” – possibly somewhat linked to the Black Rose faction led by LeBlanc in the main universe.

“I will crush you” – a PBE emote possibly belongs to Samira, the potential upcoming character.
PsyOps Sona’s VO files revealed a lot about the potential new skin line

According to the leaked voice files, we will soon see BRG Kayle, BRG Viktor, BRG Zed, BRG Pyke, and a BRG skin for the potential new champion, Samira. Kayle and Viktor have been in the 1000-day no skin club, especially Kayle, who is frequently picked in both casual and pro play, yet her last skin was Pentakill Kayle dated back in August 2017, so it is about time that they got their long-deserved treat. Viktor also had one, called Deathsworn Viktor, released for the Halloween event on October 25th, 2017, but it was generally considered of mediocre quality, so it is reasonable that he should be on the high priority list

League data miners have been busy at their work since the Spirit Blossom event teasers.

While the information on this latest BRG skin line is still clouded, we will update news about the new content as soon as possible.

In case you haven’t caught up, Yone is to be released on patch 10.16, be sure to ban him when you play ranked!