Briar to have one of the worst debuts in League, receive hotfix buffs just 1 day after Patch 13.18

Briar, the newest League of Legends champion, has had such a rough start in Summoner’s Rift that Riot Games is sending out an emergency update to aid her.

Briar is a one-of-a-kind champion since so much of her kit is dependent on constant combat. Her abilities have their own autonomy when she latches herself onto a target she picks or is in close range to.

Image via Riot Games

However, she has an incredibly poor win rate with her current kit. While new champions tend to be substantially stronger, Briar seems weak, and players have yet to figure out how to effectively play her.

Briar having the worst first day in League of Legends

This Reddit post began when Riot Phreak stated that Briar’s day one win rate is one of the lowest in League of Legends. Briar’s win rate at all ranks is currently about 36%, according to LoLAnalytics. It was lower in Emerald+ ELO, but it has recently grown to 39%. According to the Reddit thread, it hit 29% at one time in Emerald+.

As a result, Riot has decided to perform a hotfix in which Briar will be buffed.



Images via Riot Games

So this appears to be a tweak to plug the champion’s gaps for the time being. Briar does not have any passive health regen without damaging enemies, thus the additional HP will come in handy. Also, when charging her Chilling Scream, she will have more agency to cc champions with less damage taken.

It remains to be seen how much this will enhance her win rates, but only time will tell until more players take her onto the Rift and gain a feel on her powers.

Image via Riot Games

Overall, these appear to be decent upgrades, with more to come to Briar in Patch 13.19.