Should Riot Games bring the old Runes and Summoner Mastery back?

Although the existing complementary pearls have certain advantages, there are still many people who want Riot Games to bring the old runes and Summoner Mastery back to League Legends.

Should Riot Games bring the old Runes and Summoner Mastery back?

It is known that, since the launch of the Runes Reforged, there has been much new gameplay for the champions, making some generals extremely strong. Sometimes even more creative new gameplay than before.

Runes and Summoner Mastery back

But there are still many people who want Riot Games to return to the old system of Runes and Summoner Mastery because they are still too special.

Runes and Summoner Mastery back

The reason is that the old Runes system and the Summoner Mastery are just as attractive as the current Runes Reforged.

old Runes and Summoner Mastery back

Typically, the old Runes has a dozen types of Runes that help players create all kinds of gameplay such as … helping players have the ability to break through when they want to play full damage or full tank. Sometimes a gem will increase 1% crit, creating mutations in some cases.

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According to many players, in the old Runes, they have up to 20 Runes boards with all kinds of combinations of Runes together, each champion can use multiple Runes to create much gameplay, create Thousands of options with over 145 champions and 20 Runes tables.

That’s just Runes, which shapes the player’s play style when choosing any champion. And Summoner Mastery will help players create mutations, increasing the ability to out-play opponents:

Runes and Summoner Mastery back

Basically, the old add-on has a few similarities to the current Runes Reforged … And because the current Summoner Mastery is doing its job well – diversifying the gameplay of all League of Legends champions, for so players do not want to delete the current Runes Reforged at all, merely want to turn it into … Summoner Mastery, then delete the additional stats, bringing the old Runes back to the best.

Runes and Summoner Mastery back

Many people think that the current meta is going in the direction of having too much damage, there are no more tank champions that are very influential.

So if you bring the old Runes back, if you increase the strength of resisting Runes such as increasing maximum health, increasing armour, magic resistance will somewhat balance the strength of resistant champions, helping these champions have more voices than before.

About Runes

Runes were enhancements that the summoner provides to their champion. This page contains a summary of all runes, their effects, and pricing, which may be historical in nature.

There was four types of runes, with three tiers. Within marks, seals, and glyphs, each has a “primary” stat group and grants the largest bonus in those stats. “Secondary” runes offer less. Tier 1 runes are 55.56% as efficient as Tier 3 runes, and Tier 2 are 77.78%.

As of V6.10, Tier 1 runes can no longer be purchased, and all Tier 2 runes have a cost of IP.

As of V7.17, September 1, 2017, in preparation for the pre-season 2018 new rune system, all Tier 3 runes (marks, seals, glyphs and quintessences) only cost IP. Any IP 10 Tier 3 runes bought will not be refunded once the pre-season 2018 starts.

About Summoner Mastery

A mastery was an area that a summoner was able to focus their intense magical training into, categorized into three specific categories, which were collectively known as masteries. Some of the more advanced masteries required not only a working knowledge of previous masteries within a single category, but also the knowledge of a specific mastery. As a summoner gains levels of power within the League of Legends, they were able to select which specific areas of interest to focus on.

Summoner masteries were not set in stone; based on the type of champion you wished to control in a battle arena, masteries could be changed to better suit a summoner’s needs, simply by pressing the “Return Points” button to completely reset your masteries and allow yourself to choose others in which to spend your points, you could only spend your masteries up to 30 (“re-spec”). Additionally, the available masteries were revamped on a semi-regular basis (once every season or two).