Broken build: Azir ADC is dominating Bot Lane

The Emperor of the Sands – Azir can be extremely powerful with the ADC role.

The original reason to bring Azir into Bot Lane is that in the present meta, tanks and warriors are dominating all over Top Lane and even Mid Lane (such as Sett, Renekton, …), as a result, an AP option for the ADC role can be really effective with dealing damages and out-playing the enemy.

In comparison to Ziggs, another AP champion who is popular with the ADC role, Azir seems to be more powerful and efficient. He can farm from distance, it is even safer if he uses Sand Soldiers to farm. If there are dangers approaching, he can easily escape with combo W + E + Q. In combats, Azir can deal great damage over time and also be able to engage.

Not the same as other pure ADC champions, Azir will not hesitate in combats, he will not need much cover from Support and Tankers, he can dive in and escape while bringing one or two enemies with him back to his teammate with R – EMPEROR’S DIVIDE



Conqueror helps him with damage and healing, while others in the primary trait improve attack speed and mana. On the secondary trait, Biscuit Delivery and Time Warp Tonic help him with sustaining at the Laning Phase.


AP build
AD build

Pros and Cons

Azir can harass quite well with Sand Soldiers, moreover, he can engage effectively in every combat. His ultimate can be used as a tool to combat as well as escape.

However, his skills are extremely hard to use, players need a long time to master these combos effectively. Players have to be smart in combats, in order to show the full potential of Azir, the result of each combat depends mostly on the hand of Azir players.