Broken build: Maokai Support – Season 2021

Maokai Support has the highest win rate at the moment.

In season 11, unexpectedly, Maokai is shining in Support Role with 52.23% win rate. Today, we will discuss why he is so strong at the moment?

The first reason is his wonderful ability to engage in small combat in Laning Phase. Meanwhile, Sapling Toss (E) is also a good skill that helps control vision really well. The enemy will pay some HP for checking the bushes, this is an amazing way of harassing.

Moreover, Twisted Advance (W) can root the enemy and can not be dodged. At the same time, it is also a good way to evade and engage in small combat or help Jungler with ganking. Just have some successful clashes, your wining chance will be much higher.

In addition, Maokai has good interaction with Imperial Mandate. Every skill of him has its own CC (root, slow, and knockback), so as a result, he can trigger the Passive of Imperial Mandate quite easily, and this also provides more damage from ADC with your mark. Most ADC is really weak at the beginning, Imperial Mandate can fill the gap and becomes really helpful.

About build for this playstyle, Aftershock seems to be very suitable for Maokai support. With Twisted Advance (W), Maokai can trigger this effect quite regularly. In the secondary rune, Biscuit Delivery and Time Warp Tonic are necessary in order to heal yourself.

About items, Relic Shield is the best Starter Item for Maokai Support. After that, you should rush for Imperial Mandate as soon as possible. Choose your Boots wisely and then focus on Tank items like Gargoyle Stoneplate and Thornmail

Moreover, if you can not pick Maokai Support and the enemy has picked him already, we recommend you to build items with Grievous Wound in order to counter his Healing Passive.

Read more broken builds here.