Caitlyn weird hitbox bug during casting her ultimate

Did you know about this hitbox bug?

Caitlyn is one of the old-time champions of League of Legends, but are you sure you know all about the sheriff of Pitover?

Image via RIot Games

The hitbox is a definition of the area of a champion’s impact with surrounding interactions. It can be understood that if Thresh throws a Death Sentence which seems to hit Annie, but Annie’s real hitbox is the smallest in the game so you end up missing the hook. Another example is the narrow gap between mid-lane turrets, Teemo can easily walk through it, but if Garen passes through, he will probably get hit.

We also know that the hitbox changes when the champion moves to the river, specifically when they stand there, the champion’s hitbox will be shifted a bit from the standing position (this also explains how Nidalee’s Javelin pierces people without hurting them). But have you ever encountered a case in which the champion’s hitbox changes even when they are in a channeling status?

Image via Riot Games

That is when Caitlyn casts her ultimate. A Reddit user recently posted a clip of him discovering a bug that makes Caitlyn’s hitbox slightly shifted forward when she cast her R – Ace In The Hole, although skill details said that Caitlyn will be put into channeling status. This caused Caitlyn to get shot by the enemy Nexus Obelisk while casting her ultimate in front of the fountain.

Whether this bug is an intentional design or not is not know yet, however, there wasn’t any official announcement from Riot Games about the mentioned bug yet. As Caitlyn in one of the “oldies” of League of Legends, fans are requesting Riot for an answer on the issue, since this bug could last for a very long time without being discovered and fixed yet.