This champion is currently the best mid-lane and the worst jungler in the game

In League of Legends, some champions are occasionally the best choices in one position while being terrible in another. That applies to one of the most recent LoL champions, Naafiri.

According to League statistics LoLalytics, Naafiri presently has one of the highest win rates among mid laners in League (54.38% in Emerald+), if not the highest win rate. Naafiri had already left an impact on the mid lane meta ever since her first day of debut, and the newest League of Legends champion has seized the Rift by storm.

She may also be played as a jungler because to the champion’s kit, although she doesn’t perform too well in that role given that she has the poorest win rate of all junglers (45.50% win rate).

Image via Riot Games

Naafiri, an assassin, has the skills to be effective in both roles, but the evidence indicates that she is only now effective in one. It could be a while before this changes.

Funny enough, while she was still in the pre-release stage on the PBE servers, players even dubbed her as the best jungler in the game. Other players even said that it was strange that the devs labelled Naafiri as a mid laner.

Image via Riot Games

On July 25, League developer Stephen “Raptorr” Auker, said Riot Games has some jungle adjustments planned for Naafiri that are intended to increase her win rate. But first, the developers need to balance her in the mid lane.

The nerf hammer was first intended to be used against her in Patch 13.15, which was released this past August 1. Riot reconsiders, though, and decides to keep her mid-lane strength intact because it thinks she’s currently in good condition.

We may anticipate more Naafiri jungle modifications in the near future now that the mid lane is no longer an issue. The devs must do with caution, though, since any change to the champion’s kit might potentially affect how she is doing in the mid lane.