This champion has the highest AFK rate in League of Legends, and it’s not Yasuo

There are currently over 160 champions in League of Legends, and for whatever reason, players can be assigned to boxes based on the champions they favour. But who reigns supreme when it comes to going AFK?

Champions that has the highest AFK rate

According to League of Graphs data, the title went to the two brothers Yasuo and Yone last year, with a 1.14% AFK rate averaged across all areas, followed by Yone at 1.01%. This year, though, we have a new king.

According to the website League of Graphs, Sett is the champion with the greatest AFK rate across all regions. He grabs the top of the iceberg with an outstanding 1.8%.

Nonetheless, there are a few variations in the list based on each region. EUW and NA are two of the most popular League of Legends servers, with a large number of players. And, according to League of Graphs statistics, Yone has the most AFKs at 1.46%, closely followed by his brother Yasuo with 1.44% on EUW.

On the North American server, though, another champion is at the top. Yone comes in second with a 1.24% rate, while Sylas takes the top spot with 1.49%.

Image via Riot Games

While it is fun to know about these interesting statistics, the AFK situations in League of Legends has been increasingly occurred.

Riot has a tool called LeaverBuster that identifies these kind of players and punishes them accordingly. Players that frequently go AFK will be placed in the “low priority queue.”

Image via Riot Games

Riot has classified players into levels based on how frequently they have gone AFK and disrupted a gaming environment. The penalty will differ depending on the rank they are on. Riot has also said that they will offer warnings before imposing any of the following sanctions.

Furthermore, whether their side wins or loses, games in which someone leaves will always count as a defeat for that individual.

Image via Riot Games

So, it’s probably not the best idea to leave the game, huh?