Champion model in client (concept) repost

Although the feature is very useful, the community thinks that its appearance is extremely low.

Champion model in client (concept) repost

It can be seen that the skin is the most popular product of Riot Games in League of Legends, but the way to introduce the skin in the Riot Games shop is still quite backward.

Even clicking on the skin in the shop, you can not see much about the costume but has a small part of the wallpaper of that skin.

Champion model in client

The skins are not introduced in detail in the shop

Realizing that the “poor” way of introducing the Riot Games outfit, a gamer has added a feature to preview skins (as well as champions) in the beautiful game in the Collection.

Champion model in client

But even if the feature is impressive, the community still thinks it will never appear in the League of Legends client. Simply because they think that the League of Legends client of Riot Games is too “broken”, now there are many errors, so if adding a feature with this 3D graphics again, the client will surely lag to the point of not entering the game.

Champion model in client

Besides, there are also many people believe that this feature should not appear because it will make players feel … not right about the skin. Because most of the skins in League of Legends are designed by Riot Games to look from the top, not directly like this. So if this feature launches, there will be a lot of ugly skins in this view.

Wild Rift is ready for testing, you need to know

Reddit Cmt

Client can’t handle honoring at the end of the game and you expect ot to load up 3D models on command?

What’s more surprising than getting 4 honors at the end of a game? The fact 4 people’s clients didn’t close as it ended

Amazing, but they need fix this windows 95 client first

this would be dope, but unfortunately they’ll probably never do it, because league skins are designed to be seen from above, and for this reason many models / skins are a bit wonky if you view them head on, and Riot might be afraid of scaring people off the game if they think their models look like shit or something (and ofc the outdated models as you mentioned in your comment)

I would love something like this in league but I know that many models are very outdated and this wouldn’t really work. If they ever revamp models like wild rift this should be a must. also some of the animation are a bit choppy as I’m still learning after effects!

Heroes of the storm LAUNCHED with this feature built in along with being able to try the skin on a test range so you can see all the spell fx and animation Changes. No clue how or why league still resorts to you having to google a skin to see it

I’ve been playing a LOT of HotS recently and I highly recommend it to anyone. It’s just… more fun than LoL. It is a simpler game, but you spend more time doing the things that make MOBAs fun and less time doing the things that feel like chores (ie more fighting, less cs’ing). There’s not as much burst damage in the game and there’s a tank+healer+dps paradigm enforced, so fights end up being more drawn out than LoL.

It’s basically a LOT more brawling and WAYYYY less laning (e.g. you’re not just sitting around cs’ing). Tons of objectives too… it’s like an objective spawns on the map every couple minutes. You’re constantly fighting people.

Also, the champion designs are great. Bruisers actually feel like how a bruiser should feel in a MOBA.

I dont think riot will do this simply because they want the splash art to be the reason you buy the skin. If you see that the skin looks like shit In comparison to the splash art, you might be less tempted to spend money on it just for a cool picture in the loading screen.

Information From: Youtube