Champion selection and End Game’s lobby to receive improvements

More updates are being made for the League of Legends players with the latest goals of improving the experience for champion selection and after every game played.

Riot Games has just published its fifth client cleanup report focusing on champion selection and the gaming experience. Riot specifically aims to make the champion selection more responsive and enhance the user experience by likely eliminating features that excessively takes up space.

To update client experience for all players is one of Riot’s top priorities over the years.

Riot has been working with the client over the years to clear up all the issues that occurred. Their most recent focus was on improving the bootstrap time for the client, which now corresponds to 15.5 seconds for 90% of all players, according to Riot. The bootstrap time is how long the client takes to start and Riot is now going to their next assignment now that it has been improved.

Riot to improve champ select UX and UI in League client.

 One of the League’s key goals is to boost the overall experience and user interface of the champion selection. Riot will be attempting to classify areas of the champion selection players care about and sort out things that players don’t or care about before removing from the client.

In order to know what players think of the whole champion selection, Riot has relied heavily upon their survey results. First of all, players want more responsiveness and consistency with interactive buttons. This is particularly for champions to be picked or banned. In order to gain this clarification, Riot would increase the speed and reliability of the visual and auditory feedback. These improvements are aimed that players would not lock or ban unintentionally during the selection phrase.

The animations for the selection of summoner spells and ward skins are among items that players do not find very beneficial. Riot will try to eliminate these animations from ward skins and spells selection.

Any champion-select features that players don’t care about can be completely eliminated by Riot. The emote panel, champion and missions are features to be considered. Until making the final decision on these features Riot will review further survey results.

End-game and post-game improvements for League of Legends client.

Not only the selecting champion gets a few improvements in the next updates. Riot is still seeking to ease the transition process from the end game to the lobby.

For several patches, players in the League of Legends client encountered problems from the end of the game to the post-game lobby. Many players are now being sent to the honourary screen with a “re-connect” button whenever they finished their matches. This issue stops players from honoring teammates and analyzing post-game statistics.

They are researching the cause of the problem, according to Riot, and will attempt to solve it. There will be encouraging patches to be on decks as soon as patch 10.23 going live.

While all changes to the clients are not exactly dated, Riot claims that all the improvements will be made by the end of the year.