Champion Prices And/Or BE Earnings Should Be Changed

There are currently 148 champions in League of Legends as of January 2020. Every time a new champion released, one of the old champions prices will be reduced.

Weekly free champion rotation is a great chance for League players to try different champions. However, waiting 2+ months to try a champion just because you cannot pick all champions in training mode is quite annoying. There are few options that League players came up with to help the situation above:

All Champions Should Be Available in Practice Tool

This is one of the things that make the Practice Tool imperfect to “practice”. Players should be able to try/practice all champions before spending their hard-earned BE to unlock a new champion. Also, some players mentioned that not being able to read detailed abilities in-game/client is the oddest thing. Detailed info of the champion like damage deal, range, etc. are only available online through 3rd party websites.

Champion Prices Reduction Should Be Faster

League of Legends Champion Prices

According to Riot Games, “every time a new champion is released, the oldest 6300 BE/975 RP champion will be reduced to 4800 BE/880 RP. Also, with every third champion release, an additional champion currently priced at 4800 BE or lower will be reduced to the next lowest tier, based on age and ease of play.

Because these price reductions are pre-announced, Riot Games will not be granting pro-active refunds to players that purchase these champions prior to their reductions.”

Read more about Riot Games’ Permanent Champion Price Reduction in 2014 HERE.

Let Players Grind Blue Essence Not Only with First Win of The Day

First Win of the Day

Remember before Riot Games introduce the new leveling system and the IP/BE system? Not like IP, you do not earn BE after every match anymore, but through first win, chest, events, or leveling up. However, all of these options won’t give you much BE like how it was with IP.

Players said that it would be more refreshing if Riot Games should give some Bonus BE weekend once or twice a month.

What is you opinion on this topic? Would you prefer to lower the champion prices or to have more chances to boost your BE? Let us know in the comment section.

Credit: Reddit

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