Champions that rule League of Legends’ meta in 2019

Leagues of Legends in 2019 have witnessed the growing of many Champions which became the most popular selections all over the world not only in ranked games but also in divisions. We all have to agree that continuous changes happened through patches have brought us exciting experience. We got new champions, reworked champions and hundreds of buff or neft. Let named some of our conquerors this year.


At the moment, no one can deny the fact that Akali is one of the most successful reworked champs and the hottest assassin ưhen the others went out of their time such as Zed, Fizz and Katarina. After being revealed in patch 8.15, Akali always own high proportions in ban/pick rates.

Back to MSI 2019 established in Viet Nam, Akali was totally a monster in the way she control the game by her killing and escaping abilities, especially when she was handed by professor.

Of course, Riot would never let their designs being overpowered in more than 2 patches and Akali is not an exception. Surgery started and The Rogue Assassin was dramatically nerfed and losted most of advantages in her skill board.

However, the First of Shadow can still find out how to demonstrate that she isn’t a weak champion as she was in the past with one of the highest win rates in preseason. Akali maybe just hope nothing would happen to her in the future.


This man is the only one who can know Akali’s feeling: A reworked Champion who had smashed all opponents since being forgotten for years and being nerfed right away, too. Came back in the same  period with Akali and Irelia, this trial show everyone hardy that they are going to rule mid and top lane for a long time. If you did not ban, you would have to pic.

But the show didn’t last so long while Akali had became unstoppable, Ire and Aatrox were not as lucky as that. As you can observed,  The Blade Dancer and The Darkin Blade sometime appear in particular situation and absolutely, they have to win the lane. The Darkin guy was the target of the most crazy changes in game’s history (Don’t forget Ryze).

First of all, Riot reduced high percentages of healing by damaged made Aatrox difficult to get or trade kill by having potent 1vs1. Then, no more reliving for the ultimate World Ender and no more World Ender came out in teamfights. 


In World Championship 2019, Pantheon’s turn started. Grand Starfall right into Europe and illustrate an icon of the strongest one. However, Riot’s newest reworked champ was always banned immediately  except the match between LK vs MEGA. Pan have been different from other reworked champions because all the players need is utilising his super strength, getting advantages, winning lanes and winning games without caring about disparity of skill.

Riot’s Design Group was right in the way they fixed old Pantheon’s weakness and improve his damage as a semi fighter-assassin. In the end, perfection created an unbalanced champ as always.

Predict that in 2020, Riot will need to do a lot of things for this champion because with a meta revolving around the dragon cave like it is now, a roam champion like Pantheon will not be hard to become a hot pick and dominate Summoner Rift.

Garen & Yuumi

Before the appearance of Yuumi in the game, Garen lived in the years of being mercilessly rejected when Riot constantly buffs his power, however the might of Demacia continue living in the Dark.

But only after the appearance of Yuumi and one or two acquaintances, people gradually began realizing how scary the power of Garen Yuumi would increase when combined together.  The duo quickly appeared in many rank matches and started rekindling appear in major tournaments.

“The man who feed the Cat” became famous key word of the game. This combination makes the game more interesting than having a meta where only the marksmans and mages start in the bot lane.  Although Riot has greatly reduced Garen’s strength and especially Yuumi’s, it cannot be denied that the duo has had a great year.

Look forward to the return of this duo in 2020!

Sona & Taric

Because we have named a dou in this list, we should remember the other combined which belong to 2019. 

Perhaps Taric’s generals are easy to create meta because in 2 consecutive years this guy has to be nerfed dozens of times because of the combination that brings his unbelievably effective.

In 2019, Taric did not stand out much, but since CoreJJ and Doublelift used this duo so effectively in NA, it was only known the horror power of the duo when it ended.

Just like the Master Yi – Taric, the duo has all a bot needs: damage, movement speed, kite flying, resistance, control and even more immortality. Almost to perfect, so this is considered to be a pretty OP play that makes Riot move their hands and feet nerf the duo in a few versions.

Although currently Sona’s damage has been greatly reduced and can no longer appear in pro matches.  But his shining moment in the past year with Taric is the one that will make fans remember forever.


This is a year where champions with high mobility and good roaming have shaped the meta, and Qiyana is a good example of this style of playing.  Qiyana is best used in the Mid and Jungle positions, although she can even be used for the Top lane but that will greatly limit Qiyana’s mobility.

Qiyana has needed some time for players to get used to her at the beginning.  Shortly after that time, Qiyana also became a ‘no-pick’ champion at Worlds when she had the second highest pick / ban rates after Pantheon.  If it takes just a moment of neglect and your entire team chooses to fight near the wall, the Qiyana’s team would make you lose the whole game with just a beautiful final blow.

Xayah/ Kai’sa

The two AD carry champions dominate this year’s bot lane.  While Kai’sa has an enormous amount of damage and the ability to create mutations thanks to her ultimate, Xayah is no less competitive when she becomes extremely uncomfortable with her feathering and ult.

Honestly, the most balanced match in the bot lane at Worlds is probably the match between these two generals.  In just one World Championship, Xayah had 102 picks / bans and Kai’sa was banned and picked 88 times.  However, Xayah is still a more comprehensive champion when she can team up with Rakan and achieve a win rate of 61.4% at Worlds.