Chemtech Putrifier, a powerful grievous wounds item to counter Goredrinker users

Not only was the Goredrinker got nerfed, but it also had to deal with a hard-counter one, Chemtech Putrifier.

The common point of recent League of Legends updates is that it focuses on minor changes but creates a huge impact on gameplay. In patch 11.3, Riot silently buffed Karma by making changes that seemed to be ineffective.

First of all, let’s take a look at Karma’s new stats, which makes her more suited to carry than to support.

Base stats:

  • Mana regen increased from 11.5 to 13.
  • Q – Inner Flame: Mana cost reduced from 65 to 55.

It’s difficult to buff or nerf Karma strength in support role and solo lane so it wouldn’t affect the gameplay. However, thanks to those buffs, Karma is now able to cast Q multiple times without worrying about running out of mana.

On the other hand, it was Chemtech Putrifier that brought Karma back to the meta, which was just obtained new effects:

Although Chemtech Putrifier has the same effect as Morellonomicon, it is not commonly used as Morellonomicon. Morellonomicon provides greater AP stats and an extra 250 health that more suits mage champions, while the Chemtech Putrifier’s effect is technically more efficient for buff champions.

This is also how Riot brings back the buff champions after a long stretch of dominance by the tanker. Let’s see how the meta changes after these adjustments.