Cho’gath and Leona Botlane – The Toxic Duo

One of the popular off-meta duo since patch 9.17. But now, patch 10.13 with the present of plenty new and reworked champions, will this duo is still dominating botlane as they were? And the answer is yes, so now together with Notagamer let’s discover the in-depths guide of Cho’gath and Leona botlane, the Cyber Bully (Literally).

Cho’gath Runes

Basic runes for Cho’. Nimbus cloak for extra speed, Absolute focus => extra damage => Chomp easier => get bigger => profit.

Gathering storm for more power at late game, allow you to build more tank items. Cheap shot for bonus true damage when Q hit. Ultimate hunter => faster ult cooldown => chomp more often => get bigger => profit.

Gathering storm can be replaced with scorch for extra damage at early. Ultimate hunter can be replaced with ravenous hunter for more sustainable.

Other runes style for Cho’

weak at early but strong at late game, but foremost is fun.

Approach velocity for chasing enemy and Chomping.

biscuit help you stay long in lane and extra maximum mana

Use aftershock when facing enemy with high burst of damage (draven, vayne, etc), the “boom” from aftershock is pretty good tho.

Leona’s runes

Basic rune for Leo

Bring demolish if you want to kill turret or use Font of Life instead.

Laning Phase

Basically, all you have to do is clear minion wave, wait until lv 2, then use all combo you have => profit.

When facing enemy with high burst of damage, make sure you clear the minion wave, too much minions will get you kill and remember use Aftershock

Counter pick for this duo: Vayne, Kalista + any healing support. The knock back from Vayne avoid Cho’gath from getting close to her => can’t chomp. Cho’ is lack of dashing ability, Kalista can easily kite and dodge Cho’s Q.

You can cyber bully enemy botlane at early, but late game you are pretty weak, try to gank as many as possible, stack Ultimate Hunter rune so you can chomp various of targets.

Cho’gath build


Many AP Cho’gath players rush rod of age, but eat early you pretty need CDR, and you have Leona cover for you, then Luden’s echo is the right choice, much more powerful than Rod of Age. After that luden, now we can build Rod of age.

Rod of age can be replace with Hextech protobelt

optional Tank items (build 1 or 2 is enough depend on enemy team com)

Be a gentlement and build AP

Leona’s Build


110 armor, 20% CDR and foremost its cheap.

You may considered why i don’t recommend Abyssal Mask for Chogath build, then here it is. Leona must build Abyssal mask for Cho’, 15% extra damage from AP can help your companion chomp easily

Im fast af boi

Optional build.


The core of this Duo is CDR, more CDR more CC apply. Both Leona and Cho’gath must stay together most of the time. As i just said, Cho’ was lack of dashing ability and not too tanky when build AP, you are just fat but not tanky at all.

This is the end of this topic, hope you enjoy and glhf.