Here are 3 champions that benefit from Manamune

From being a default item just for ADCs who consume tons of mana like Ezreal or Jayce, Manamune has suddenly became a core item that many others have to acquire.

Though not receive any kinds of buff recently, for some reasons Manamune started to replace many too familiar items such as Infinity Edge and Mortal Reminder. Even some top laners like Fizz, Kayle... also choose Tear of the Goddess as the first item to buy in their laning phase.

The reason for this may comes from the price of 2400 gold. The trade off is so big for this price, just with 2400 gold it provides attack damage, mana and the most important feature is that it has a great interaction with the rune ” Presence of Mind “. Let check out which champions have the most benefits from this Manamune trend.


First in this list must be the beloved “Daughter Of The Void” Kai’sa, one of the best single-target damage dealer in League of Legends. The special factor here is that the interaction between Manamune and Kai’sa‘s Q – Icathian Rain is so overpower after Manamune reached it maximum mana charge and turned into Muramana. This immediately evolves Icathian Rain and helps Kai’sa obtain her power spike sooner.

More on that, with the enormous amount of mana, Kai’sa will be come a damage dealing machine that ditch out tons of damage and spam her Q just like the TFT version of herself. This item is also a great item if you want to build the “Triple Evolution” Kai’sa instead of the usual path that focus only on Q and critical chance.

Miss Fortune

There was a time when many poke ADCs like VarusJhin… build lethal items combine with using Arcane Comet was very strong. And now with Manamune, that playstyle have been brought back to the meta not just because of its insane damage but also the infinite mana it gives to the wearer.

Couple with this playstyle, Miss Fortune wil dominate the lane with the capacity to spam her Q and E continuously, and on top of that is the frightening high damage comes from her R. If only consider 80 attack damage the item gives you when maximum mana charge, it’s the highest attack damage that a item can provide. Please remember, like many other lethal builds, you need to finish the game as fast as possible before the enemy have enough tank items to minimize your damage.


Mentioned above, Varus must be the strongest champion in the category of using lethal items combine with Arcane Comet. Adding Manamune into this build makes him even stronger. In this playstyle, his Q will be the main source of damage to put enemy under pressure. Vaporising half of enemy’s HP with just one Q in earlygame is normal with this playstyle.

You need to treasure every Q you have, even though with a great amount of mana that the item provides, this skill has a cooldown up to 18 seconds in the first couple levels. Missing a shot means Varus will become a prey that easily to be killed.