Combination of between skills LoL – The dense density of new champions makes Riot’s champions look highly appreciated with their unique new mechanics, but there is no longer the link between the same skill kit as before.
The new champions of LoL are very special but lack the combination of between skills
Certainly among those who are watching this article, there will be many gamers who have more than 3 seasons with LoL. During the 10-year development period, it must be acknowledged that Riot has created a universe of extremely interesting champions and that is the remarkable effort of the game development team.
More specifically than in recent years, Riot has taken his creativity to a new level, constantly testing and editing new unique mechanisms into the game. Ignoring the problem of common game errors or imbalances, they have done a great job in terms of ideas when they dare to try new things and bring excitement to a 10-year-old game.
However, recently a friend named Jazyen shared his feelings about the new champion later seeming to possess unique mechanisms. They have unique things like having 5 guns like Aphelios, can steal the enemy’s ultimate like Sylas, or own a dimension of fighting space like the remake Mordekaiser. But all of them are missing something, to call it an identity from a combination of tactics.
Something I miss in some older champion designs is actual ability interactions.
Instead of having 5 different weapons for different interactions instead a couple characters in this game have actual ability interactions. Currently I believe there’s only two in the game.
Yasuo E Q doing a spinning circular style Q
Tahm Kench with his Q W being able to swallow minions from further away.
I think this is another interesting way to add skill expression because instead of having many mechanics that interact in small says you can take a big risk in using multiple abilities for almost a new ability that may pay off as well.
Any others I missed? Any champions you wish you had one? Discuss!
Ninja Edit: I forogt the most obvious and prominent one which is Jarvan E Q!
Edit 2: I was more focusing on two abilities doing an additional new thing if you do both, not two abilities that synergize well.
Take the most obvious example is Yasuo, this is considered the most successful case when all his tactics are perfectly combined together. You can combine E – Q or E – Q – Flash to create groundbreaking combos, make the Yasuo skill kit perfectly match together
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Not only that, the traditional assassin champions of Riot, are also considered to be much more identity and bring more interesting to the player than the new assassins. If comparing between Leblanc and Pyke, instead of relying heavily on the ultimate skill like Pyke, Leblanc or Zed causing players to practice a lot. Damage is also spread evenly throughout the skill set
The last thing is that it is very difficult for players to find combos for new champions now. You can see the old champions always have the skill set combined like Lee Sin, J4 or Alistar, … Meanwhile, with the new champions, it seems that after an Akali nerf forever will not be less popular, then Riot was overly careful and eliminated all of this ability on the new champions released later.